EU Summit begins, new Eurobarometer reports and a Euro roundup

Riot police guarded a bank in Athens yesterday during a nationwide protest against the government?s latest austerity measures. (Aris Messinis/AFP/Getty Images) EU summit: The early betting line from Brussels Blog by Peter Spiegel The EU?s final two-day heads of government summit of 2010 starts Thursday and early betting is that it will be much quieter … Read more

Euro roundup: EU labour migration, Germany losing friends, Europe’s carbon trade, London protests etc…

Germany flexes muscle, loses friends from FP Passport by Cameron Abadi At next week’s EU summit in Brussels, you can expect the usual photos of backslapping European leaders sharing broad laughs and whispered asides. But behind closed doors, things are likely to be a lot frostier: by all indications, personal relations among EU power players … Read more

Euro roundup for last week: Irish bailout, Berlusconi as usual, French cabinet crisis etc…

Irish resisting bail-out pressure from BBC News | Europe | World Edition The Irish Republic insists it does not need financial assistance from the EU amid speculation that a bail-out is increasingly likely. MAIN FOCUS: Ireland threatened by debt crisis | 15/11/2010 from euro|topics The Irish government is no longer excluding the possibility of asking … Read more

European Union Law blog presents: The 2010 Enlargement Progress Reports in a Nutshell

European Union Law: The 2010 Enlargement Progress Reports in a Nutshell from – Today’s posts The European Commission has presented its annual assessment of the European Union?s enlargement agenda. It comprises a 2010-2011 Strategy paper, the Opinions on the membership applications by Montenegro and Albania and seven Progress Reports on MAIN FOCUS: Berlusconi braves … Read more

Historic defence pact between France and UK- Euro roundup…

France and UK to sign historic defence pact from – Headline News The Moroccan girl, the president, the dental hygienist, and the ‘bunga-bunga parties’ from FP Passport by Joshua Keating Here’s Italian President Silvio Berlusconi’s underaged girl scandal #4,080: At the heart of it all is a Moroccan girl nicknamed Ruby, who turned 18 … Read more

“The Islamisation of Europe is a red herring

MAIN FOCUS: The Islamisation of Europe is a red herring | 23/09/2010 from euro|topics The success of the right-wing populists in Sweden is being interpreted in public debate as a sign of growing xenophobia directed above all against Muslims. But commentators say fears of an Islamisation of Europe are unreasonable and distract from the issues … Read more

Euro roundup: Berlusconi, Citzalia, Euroblogging

Citzalia ? the virtual ghost European Parliament (really, why spend money on this?) from Jon Worth by Jon Yesterday???thanks to this tweet ??I had the dubious honour to be one of the first people to have a look at a draft website for Citzalia, a project that promises some sort of virtual European Parliament role … Read more

more headache for Pentagon: “Wikileaks releases classified Afghanistan war logs

Human Terrain System in Wikileaks? Afghan War Diary: Searching for Evidence of the Positive from OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by Maximilian Forte One question we have to ask ourselves is how the managers of the Human Terrain System can use these same records leaked via Wikileaks to make a positive case for the program embedding civilian social … Read more

Euro roundup: Corruption scandal that threatens Sarkozy

Interactive graphic on France as aAllegations of illegal donations  from the country's richest woman plunge Nicolas Sarkozy into  the biggest crisis of his presidency, despite protests he is the victim  of a smear campaign.

Interactive graphic on France as aAllegations of illegal donations from the country’s richest woman plunge Nicolas Sarkozy into the biggest crisis of his presidency, despite protests he is the victim of a smear campaign.

MAIN FOCUS: Corruption affair threatens Sarkozy | 07/07/2010

from euro|topics

According to media reports French President Nicolas Sarkozy and other conservative politicians have received bribes from L’Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. The affair is seriously jeopardising Sarkozy’s re-election prospects and disabling the already crisis-ridden Europe, commentators write.

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Euro Roundup: Probably Muslims will be blamed for the rise of Dutch anti-Islam party (!)

List of women-friendly mosques in England

from Boing Boing by Lisa Katayama

An inter-faith organization just released a list of the top 100 women-friendly mosques in England. The criteria included things like separate prayer room, daycare services, women in decision-making positions, and women-specific activities. From Faith Matters’ web site:

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“EU harmonises Schengen visa rules; “UK on the election process and more…

found at Mob

EU harmonises Schengen visa rules

from BBC News | Europe | World Edition
A new visa code takes effect in most EU nations, speeding up visa procedures for travellers to Europe.

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Burqa bans will certainly help European identity crises resolved (!)

The Burqa Is On The European hit list from Turkish Digest by A-News The burqa, a garment completely covering the female body and face, is worn in some Islamic traditions. The question whether such clothing should be forbidden in public places has been the subject of debate in many European countries lately. In the continent?s … Read more

Looks like Sarkozy has a problem

French voters deliver blow to Sarkozy

from – World, Europe
French voters deliver a rebuke to the government of Nicolas Sarkozy with opposition parties winning an unprecedented share of the vote in the first round of regional elections

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Timetable for Greece

EU ministers give Greece timetable for recovery

from by Claire

EU finance ministers gathered in Brussels yesterday to formalise a timetable for the Greek government to reduce its budget deficit from 12.7% to 3% by 2012.

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live blogging from the Copenhagen protests and…

more from the EU agenda…Our neighbor, Greece is having real economic problems, aftermath of Berlusconi attack and more…

Reclaim Power Cop15

Danish police abuse climate-change demonstrators

from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow

Zoran sez, “Earlier this week (12th Dec), a massive, peaceful protest of 100,000 people — the largest demonstration for climate justice in world history — was met with a heavy-handed response by the Danish police. Thousands of riot police swarmed the march route, blocked off streets surrounding large groups of protestors, and arrested almost 1,000 people. Arrestees were cuffed and forced to sit in rows for hours, as the temperatures dipped below freezing; numerous people urinated on themselves after being denied use of toilets.”


Dispatch from Copenhagen: Demands for Climate Justice

from Global Voices Online by Saffah Faroog

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