New buzz in town: “The promises and problems of Mastodon, a Twitter alternative” #mastodonsocial

Mastodon – like Twitter, without Nazis Boing Boing by Mark Frauenfelder Sarah Jeong of Motherboard says Mastodon is a “kinder, nicer, decentralized open source version of Twitter.” I hope she’s right! (I’m frauenfelder at The promises and problems of Mastodon, a Twitter alternative Boing Boing by Mark Frauenfelder Intrigued by Mastodon, a new open-source alternative to … Read more

Journalism agenda: A journalist, Svetlana Alexievich wins Nobel… Twitter and Reddit moves more into journalistic production…

Nobel Prize in literature goes to journalist from Belarus Svetlana Alexievich, a Belarussian journalist and dissident writer, won the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday (8 October) “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time”, the Swedish Academy announced.   How the Crowd and Automation Are Shaping Journalism Social Media Today by … Read more

Love from Turkey 3- Spongebob incarnates in an Istanbul castle restoration…

  New president appointed to Turkish communications board ahead of key 4.5G tender Ömer Fatih Sayan was appointed the head of the Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK) on Aug. 25, ahead of a key telecommunications tender on Aug. 26 The three most innovative Turkish women of 2015 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Technology Review magazine … Read more

RIP Christopher Lee, the metalhead

Remembering Sir Christopher Lee‘s Heavy Metal Output Metal Injection by Robert Pasbani The man had a lot of music! Christopher Lee on the power of the fantasy genre  Boing Boing by Caroline Siede Christopher Lee died earlier this week, but the renowned actor leaves behind an impressive body of work, including a ton of great genre films. Read … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: “The Pirate Bay Is Back Online! [But it might be a trap…]

The Pirate Bay Is Back Online!  TorrentFreak Early December The Pirate Bay was raided at the Nacka station, a nuclear-proof data center built into a mountain complex near Stockholm.   The Pirate Bay returns from the dead, comes back online  The Next Web by Owen Williams Following a raid on a Swedish data center late last year, … Read more

11 places for Turkish coffee in İstanbul and an İstanbul news roundup…

İstanbul’da 40 Yıllık Hatıraya Patlayacak Türk Kahvesi için 11 Adres  ListeList by Çağla Gillis Mandabatmaz   Being an Armenian today in Istanbul Hurriyet Daily News I had an Armenian intern at that time and I mentioned casually to the bunch I was eating with that it must be hard to be an Armenian in Istanbul during … Read more

“Two Istanbul reservoirs close to drying out… Istanbul news roundup…

Two Istanbul reservoirs close to drying out New pictures have shown how two of the reservoirs supplying Istanbul’s water needs have nearly dried Istanbul residents on streets to keep guard against robbers Residents of Istanbul’s Eyüp district are keeping guard against rising theft in their neighborhood, hoping to stop the criminals before being robbed. Old 3D print of … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: [Interactive] The Global Terrorism Database; Clickbait; Crowdfunded news-site after ISIS; Self-segregation on social networks [on Ferguson]

Self-segregation on social networks and the implications for the Ferguson, MO story  …My heart’s in Accra by Ethan Michael Brown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson on Saturday August 9, 2014. After his body lay in the hot street for four hours, Ferguson residents took to the streets to protest his killing. Brown’s death, the … Read more

Honoring Lady Ada Lovelace, world?s first computer programmer..How to Use Creative Commons Visuals.. A cyberculture roundup…

Honouring computing?s 1843 visionary, Lady Ada Lovelace from The Official Google Blog by A Googler Last year, a group of us were lucky enough to visit the U.K. Prime Minister?s residence at 10 Downing Street, as part of the Silicon Valley Comes to the U.K. initiative. While there, we asked about some of the paintings … Read more