Special days like New Year’s Eve make me so tense. Social pressure. Such alienation, such loneliness. It all comes back to Durkheim’s arguments in Suicide. I hope it passes very quickly. As a man of ordinary life and finding bliss in it, it is very hard to go through these days. Yesterday we had a Faculty happy new year cocktail. I found refuge in my office and out of frustration, I did this silly thing of collecting interesting happy new year images in the web while checking my emails and finding tens of new year greetings. Yes, I have my own resolutions and plans and hopeful indeed but of course happiness and peace of mind are not something planned to happen… In this sunny Istanbul afternoon, I meet with Çetin and other friends to make the final decision on Milli İstirahat’s template. We re-launch our old fanzine as a a web-zine any time now. This might make me happy.
Erkan’s collection of year lists: 2007-2010
Update: 3 Jan 2010 Some links may not work. 2007 2008 2009 2010 caricaturque has a great collection of New year greeting e-cards: Greeting e-cards arrived on the New Year’s Eve and more here New Year 2010 greeting e-cards most recently received From the anthro world: Happy New Year with lists!