In just a few days, AKP declares “state of emergency” in Ankara; widens powers of intelligence agency and legislates openly Censorship law on Internet…

Ankara police granted permission for ?general searches?   Ankara court has granted the police permission to conduct general searches Turkish gov’t seeks to widen powers of national intelligence agency   The government is seeking broader powers for its intelligence agency, including more scope for eavesdropping and legal immunity for its top agent Leaning on judges: … Read more

Al Jazeera the Stream piece: “Twitter critics #UnfollowAbdullahGul

Turkish president reportedly loses 80,000 followers after signing controversial internet law….   [View the story “Twitter critics #UnfollowAbdullahGul” on Storify]

“At Least 35 Dead in New Violence in Kiev… #euromaidan

At Least 35 Dead in New Violence in Kiev Deadly clashes erupted in the Ukrainian capital Kiev early Thursday morning, with at least 35 protesters confirmed dead by Mashable, many from gunshot wounds. The spasm of violence shattered a truce called late Wednesday night by opposition members and the president. Deadly violence shatters Ukraine truce as EU … Read more

Apps for newcomers to Istanbul or Turkey… A social fabric roundup…

If you’re moving to Turkey, or just visiting… Here are some apps that will be of great use, and also some useful info.   IBB Trafik This app shows live traffic info with a nice color scheme (green=no traffic, orange=slow but moving traffic, red=you’re running really late if you use this route). It also has … Read more