A late tribute to Umberto Eco (and also to Harper Lee)…

Archival Interview: Umberto Eco on Truth, Fiction, and the Holy Grail “It was a beautiful story. Too bad no one will find out about it.” “You surely don’t believe that you’re the only writer of stories in this world. Sooner or later, someone — a greater liar than Baudolino — will tell it.” — Umberto Eco, Baudolino In Memoriam | Umberto Eco: … Read more

Literati roundup: Blogging or tweeting about research papers? “Umberto Eco’s How To Write a Thesis…

  The verdict: is blogging or tweeting about research papers worth it? Eager to find out what impact blogging and social media could have on the dissemination of her work, Melissa Terras took all of her academic research, including papers that have been available online for years, to the web and found that her audience … Read more

Homo Academicus roundup: Eco on Fascism.. Chomsky vs. Zizek & Lacan.. 2013 Global Innovation Index

Eco on Fascism When I was in high school I thought Utne Reader was the bees knees and one summer I even managed to stumble through Foucault?s Pendulum all the way to the end. Didn?t understand a goddamn thing, but Umberto Eco took on the mantle of  intellectual superhero in my imagination. So picture the … Read more

Eco and Pamuk discuss being a novelist in Istanbul… a Literati roundup…

Eco and Pamuk discuss being a novelist from Hurriyet Daily News Two eminent novelists, Umberto Eco and Orhan Pamuk, met in Istanbul on April 9. The authors told their stories about how they became writers.   Against Open Access: A change of heart from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology ? A Group Blog … Read more

Video: Orhan Pamuk – Umberto Eco / İstanbul

Nobel ödüllü Yazar Orhan Pamuk ve Umberto Eco’nun İstanbul Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde 9 Nisan 2013’te gerçekleşen söyleşilerinin DHA tarafından canlı yayınlanan kaydı.