Nice piece: Encrypting Ethnography: Digital Security for Researchers- Anthropology roundup…

Encrypting Ethnography: Digital Security for Researchers Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology (This invited post comes to us from Jonatan Kurzwelly. Jonatan is a a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at the University of St. Andrews. You can email him . his PGP fingerprint is: 1B4B 89B4 DD31 B05E 949A E181 B51C CA99 2FD6 6382 -Rex) Imagine … Read more

Anthropology roundup: Dataverse: an open source solution for data sharing…

Dataverse: an open source solution for data sharing Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Matt Thompson When you think of scholarship you might think first of publications, articles and books, but that is just the final product. Yes it is polished through countless hours of research, writing, and responding to … Read more