INFOGRAPHIC: “How Are Journalists Using Social Media?” and a Journalism roundup:

Here is the link: How Are Journalists Using Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC] What does Facebook’s new tool for fighting fake news mean for real publishers? Nieman Journalism Lab by Caroline O’Donovan Facebook announced yet another tweak to the algorithm that governs its users’ News Feeds yesterday. The social network has introduced a new tool that allows users to … Read more

“Anonymous starts #OpCharlieHebdo -A #CharlieHebdo Massacre roundup…

Anonymous claims first victim in ‘Operation Charlie Hebdo’ Mashable! by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai Hacking collective Anonymous declared war on Islamic extremists after Wednesday’s deadly attack on Paris-based satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo, and the group is now claiming its first victim Anonymous, a loosely organized group of hackers with no leaders,announced its operation — codenamed #OpCharlieHebdo Charlie is Ahmed. And … Read more

Journalism roundup: “Jeff Jarvis: Free speech is not a privilege. It is a journalistic responsibility”

Free speech is not a privilege. It is a journalistic responsibility. BuzzMachine by Jeff Jarvis   Al Qaeda Source: AQAP Directed Paris Attack  The Intercept by Jeremy Scahill UPDATED — A source within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has provided The Interceptwith a full statement claiming responsibility for the attack against the offices of Charlie Hebdo … Read more