Aftermath of #TurkeyElections An Islamist leader killed in Diyarbakır, pro-AKP accounts blame PKK

 Even the pro-Hüdapar accounts calls for calm, while pro-AKP accounts try to provoke… Hüdapar partisans attacked journalists after the killing. Here is DHA Agency reporter Canan Altıntaş: Death toll in HDP Diyarbakır rally rises to three The death toll in the twin bombings at a Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) rally in Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakır has … Read more

HüdaPar- As #OccupyGezi social alliances collapse, who is who in the new uprising. Brief notes.

Hür Dava Party- Hüda Par: A political party that represents İslamist Kurds in the Kurdish areas of Turkey. It is possibly used as a front for “Turkish Hizbullah”, a terrorist organization that was used by Turkish State in 1990s against PKK activists in urban settings. This group is responsible for many violence murder cases that … Read more