Eurosphere roundup: “Who says Germen election is dull?

Germany’s anti-euro party mobilises non-voters and FDP supporters Three days ahead of the German election, Germany’s anti-euro party, Alternative für Deutschland is polling at 5%, according to the latest INSA Poll. Who says the German election is dull? Barbie, Mutti Merkel and a monstrous personality cult: a campaign diary ahead of the 22 September German election. Germany: on … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: “8:45 ? the European hour…”Twitter encourages German voters to engage with political parties ahead of September 22 election…

German parties wake up to growing migrant vote Arab Times (Kuwait) September 15, 2013, p. 16 AFP, Sept 14, Berlin German Chancellor Angela Merkel once alienated many immigrants by declaring ?multiculturalism has failed,? but as elections near her conservatives and other parties are scrambling to reach the growing migrant vote. The question, say analysts and … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: UK markets regulator rejects EU guidance… Elections in Germany, France, Norway, Netherlands…

Litany of ifs and buts on Europe?s banks Properly done, asset review exercise could quickly establish the ECB as a tough regulator and help restore investor faith in Europe?s lenders Privatised justice and the erosion of democracy in the UK Public service outsourcers G4S and Serco were caught overcharging taxpayers by tens of millions of … Read more


full report here. EUROPEAN YOUTH: PARTICIPATION IN DEMOCRATIC LIFE INTRODUCTION The primary objective of the Flash Eurobarometer survey ?European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life? (No 375) was to study young EU citizens? participation in society, with special reference to attitudes towards participation in elections and intentions to participate in the European elections in 2014. Only … Read more