“Cohen, Fanning, Johansen and Frankel: Four horsemen of the information apocalypse

Bram Cohen Justin Frankel Jon Lech Johansen Shawn Fanning Four horsemen of the information apocalypse: Cohen, Fanning, Johansen and Frankel from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Time magazine’s Lev Grossman’s got a great profile of four authors of notorious software tools that formed the nexus of the last 12 years of copyright cold-wars: Bram Cohen … Read more

“Landmarks in the critical study of secularism- “Internal Barriers to Online Expansion …………

Landmarks in the critical study of secularism from The Immanent Frame by Matthew Scherer In September of 2010, Talal Asad, William E. Connolly, Charles Hirschkind, and I met at the annual American Political Science Association conference to discuss two seminal texts in a recently emerging field of study, which could tentatively be called the critical … Read more