Lynne Goldstein is a Professor of Anthropology and the Director of the Campus Archaeology Program at Michigan State University. She is the outgoing Publications Director for the Archaeology Division of the AAA.
In this blogging miniseries, some of the officers of the AAA’s Archaeology Division (AD) have been outlining what makes the AD unique and important, as well as some future plans to increase our reach, as well as our member numbers. As noted earlier by both Jane Baxter and Patricia McAnany, the AD may not be the primary organization for most archaeologists, but it is the place where we can best bridge archaeology and other parts of anthropology.
Wilders’s Freedom Party has held a consistent lead in the polls for over a year, and is now running head to head with Prime Minister Rutte’s party.
Portrait of Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet.Wikicommons/Michel Zappa.November, 2006. Some rights reserved.As protests against Trump’s election rock the US, the Netherlands has been home to its own battle as authorities have detained and tried to silence activists protesting against the depiction of a Christmas figure in blackface. Black Pete, sidekick of Saint Nicholas who inspired Father Christmas, is portrayed by white men and women appearing in blackface with bright red lips and a curly wig. In a debate that has lasted years, critics seeing this as a vestige of slavery have accused the tradition of perpetuating racial stereotypes.
Lecturer In Social Anthropology
The Conversation AU
The School of Social and Political Sciences is at the forefront of teaching and research in the social sciences in Australia. The School has a team of dedicated academic and professional staff in the disciplines of Political Science, Criminology .
Documentary ‘The Anthropologist’ looks at mothers and daughters, culture and climate change
Los Angeles Times
The utterly winning documentary “The Anthropologist” takes a unique perspective on the field of anthropology through the lens of a pair of female anthropologists and their daughters. Margaret Mead’s daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson, provides context .
Opening Up the Realm of Anthropology: Visiting Lecture from Becca Peixotto
The Point News
On Wednesday, November 9, PhD candidate and adjunct instructor at American University Becca Peixotto spoke at the recent “Adventures in Anthropology” lecture. In Cole Cinema, she discussed the fossils of the species Homo naledi found during her
Under the M: Adjunct instructor wins national anthropologyaward
The Missoulian
The award honors Mead, one of the 20th century’s great anthropologists, and commends Kerr’s effective participation in the Center for a Public Anthropology’s Community Action Online Project and other community service. Less than 1 percent of faculty in
The annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association is now over, as is Thanksgiving. Now that we are over the hump and have a bit of perspective, we can ask: How well did the AAA handle the meetings?

After a long hiatus, we return with the next installment in our Food Pedagogy Interview Series. We hear from Dr. Chelsea Wentworth, Associate Professor of Anthropology at High Point University, who uses photo elicitation projects in the classroom to engage students, to fascinating end.
If you would like to participate, or would like to nominate an excellent instructor for the interview series, please email
Lauren Renée Moore: Can you start by telling us a little bit about this course, Anthropology of Food?
There’s a certain trope that has been going around for years, and it has hit a peak these days as many people express their collective shock and surprise at recent events here in the USA. The narrative uses a family metaphor to talk about the problems of race and racism—and specifically the difficulties of confronting racism.
This was a close election. What impact would every hard conversation you wish you had with close-minded friends & family members have made?
— Hari Kondabolu (@harikondabolu) November 11, 2016
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene [review]
Savage Minds welcomes guest blogger Cthulhu, Great Old One and Special Collections Librarian at Brown University.
When the puny mortals at Savage Minds invited me to review the latest work by Donna Haraway I was perplexed. After I had devoured the sanity of their pathetic messenger, I turned the book over in my tentacles. “Chthulucene,” eh? Was this meant to be a literary subversion of the Anthropocene, supplanting the implied anthropocentrism of that category with something alien and indifferent? And if so, was this really a wise move, politically speaking, when the purpose of the term was to draw attention to human actions that frequently remained hidden to those without the all seeing eyes of Yog-Sothoth? Needless to say, I was intrigued.
Phyllis Wheatley students learn critical role of anthropology
Insight News
Its Anthropologists Go Back to School initiative was spearheaded by Dr. Johnnetta Cole, former president of Spelman College and Bennett College, and director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art. Heyward-Rotimi and Watkins have assumed
Anthropology Department Urges Faust to Designate Harvard a Sanctuary Campus
Harvard Crimson
Members of the Anthropology Department called on University President Drew G. Faust and other Harvard administrators to protect undocumented students by designating Harvard a sanctuary campus and adopting a “zero-tolerance approach towards any ..
Thorsten Gieser, Lecturer in Anthropology, Department of Kulturwissenschaft, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
A winter’s day, in a forest in central Germany. At dusk, more than fifty hunters and beaters stand around the ‘gallow’, a wooden structure with a long beam on which the dead bodies of hunted game are hung after they have been field dressed. A small group of hunters play their horns and the eerie melodies of ‘Sows dead!’ and ‘Halali!’ fill the air, accompanied by the occasional dog who howls along. It is the end of a hunting day. After several hours on the beater’s track, I feel exhausted and tired. My boots and my trousers are smeared with blood and mud. Although I washed my hands briefly in icy water, there is still dried blood under my fingernails and in the lines of my skin.
By: Caitlyn Brandt, Allison Dudley, Will Lammons, and Aaron Trumbo
The holidays are upon us once again, and soon many of us will engage in those family dynamics that reunite extended family and old acquaintances. This is a time to be thankful for loved ones, but it can also be a reminder that “you choose your friends, but you don’t choose your family.” In many households, clashes over differing politics and ideologies are a holiday tradition. This season, however, passions are running especially high fresh out of a divisive U.S. election cycle. For many of us, the events of recent days have been a disheartening reminder of deep political division within the U.S., and the serious social and environmental injustices that persist. Yet for some, perhaps even members of our own families, the recent election has bolstered views of bigotry and prejudice along with the actionable expression of those beliefs. These deep divisions will be represented at dinner tables across the nation this holiday season. Thus, the question is how, as students and practitioners of anthropology, can we facilitate open discussions that acknowledge opposing views, while refuting bigotry and statements (or denials) that are potentially dangerous and hurtful? How can we turn these conversations into productive moments of solidarity during these celebrations of gratitude and family?

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