Britain is a dying project. A Yes would not only be good for Scotland but good for England; a major blow for popular sovereignty against unresponsive, undemocratic and incompetent rule.
The NHS has become the burning issue of the Scottish Independence Referendum. OurNHS takes a close look, and finds in favour of the Yes campaign.

Scottish supporters of staying in the United Kingdom are 4 percentage points ahead of secessionists, with just a day to go before Scots vote in an independence referendum, three different opinion polls showed.
Many Yes campaigners may not be motivated by nationalism, but it’s important to understand.
You would be forgiven for considering this obvious, but it is in fact deeply controversial. For many of its supporters a Yes vote bears no relation to nationalism; it is a vote for democracy, fairness, and progress. This is not deceit either. They are not trying to sell nationalism falsely. They believe that their progressive ideals can be best realised through Independence. They are socialists, progressives and radicals, not nationalists. Nonetheless, they have joined a nationalist campaign, justified primarily by implicitly nationalist arguments

The referendum on independence for Scotland puts the EU in an unprecedented situation which is worth assessing on the basis of a series of legal, political and diplomatic considerations, writes Yves Bertoncini

The UK collects less tax revenue from its oil than almost any other country on earth. Scotland could do much better.
Oil has been central to the arguments about Scottish independence. The SNP tell us there are decades of crude left in the North Sea, and that there should be an oil fund. Westminster politicians say there’s not much oil left.
An audio report on the generational divide over Scottish independence, talking to experts and young people voting Yes. The first piece in the Precarious Europe project, launched today.
This week, Scottish voters will decide whether or not Scotland goes independent. It’s neck and neck, and divided along generational lines. Young people are more likely to want to leave the UK, with the grey vote bringing the average down.
English supporters of a No vote often cling to Britishness as a remedy for England’s alleged ills: intolerance, ethnic nationalism, and so on. Yet we lose none of our tolerance in a Yes vote. We are the same England, and we should embrace this opportunity for constitutional renewal.
Today openDemocracy begins a partnership with Precarious Europe, a new media platform dedicated to documenting the experiences and perspectives of young people in Europe.
Precarious Europe launches today. Since the three of us decided to found the project, it has been shaped by friends, supporters, contributors and by openDemocracy which has agreed to be a project partner.

France’s embattled Prime Minister narrowly survived a confidence vote yesterday, by a margin of twenty-five votes. Addressing legislators, he painted a dramatic picture of the European economy, and demanded that the pace of deficit reduction be brought down.

The parliaments of Ukraine and the EU ratified the association agreement on Tuesday. However its free trade provisions won’t enter force until the end of 2015. The members of parliament in Kiev also passed a law granting eastern Ukraine more autonomy. Commentators criticise the concessions to Russia and the separatists and see many obstacles still blocking Ukraine’s path towards the West.
Fidesz does not have any coherent ideology, but depending on the context, employs elements of various currents, mixing neo-conservative tropes (God, Patria, Family) with anti-globalization arguments (anti-corporation, anti-finance), classic populist slogans with anti-EU and anti-minority refrains echoed by extreme right groups.
Legal prostitution in Europe: the shady facade of human trafficking
Criminalising the buying, rather than the offering, of sexual services is one of the ways to fight the transnational criminal networks behind the trafficking of women.
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