As the author Hasnain Kazim of Spiegel explained: “FIRST the article was published quoting the worker with that headline. THEN some people started the hashtag #ScherDichZumTeufelDerSpiegel on Twitter, against Der Spiegel and against [the author]. AND THEN [Mr. Kazim] wrote this article on this Twitter-campaign:…/soma-tuerkei-erdogan-anhaenger…
I apologize for misrepresenting the case.
Here is the Spiegel link.
Pro-Erdoğan trolls started a Twitter hashtag (#ScherDichZumTeufelDerSpiegel ) yesterday against the way Spiegel covered Soma Mining Explosion. Der Spiegel replied back with this headline: ScherDichZumTeufelErdoğan
In the mean time, like his advisor, Erdoğan police yesterday kicking another protester here in this video shot in İstanbul.
After a mining accident which has claimed more than 280 victims in Soma in western Turkey, thousands of people gathered in Istanbul and Ankara on Wednesday to demonstrate against the government. They blame the AKP’s privatisation policy for the workers’ deaths. Commentators see it as a sign of democratic immaturity that the government ignored deficits on site, and predict that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will face another trial of strength.
Why does Turkey rank first in labor accidents in Europe, CHP leader asks PM
OPINION: Erdogan’s Reaction to Turkish Mine Blast Absolutely Inhuman – RIA Novosti
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