New York Times launches new interactive ads for mobile
The New York Times is out with some interesting new ad formats specifically tailored for their iPad app. Developed by the Times? Idea Lab, the new formats emphasize interactivity and a push to connect the app to other features on the iPad, including:
Acts of Journalism and the Espionage Act
Earlier this month, federal prosecutors filed a formal criminal complaint against Edward Snowden charging him with three felonies for leaking information about the National Security Agency?s surveillance programs to Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian and Barton Gellman at the Washington Post. Two of those charges were filed under the 1917 Espionage Act.
When building new news products, lightweight experimentation is key
Joey Marburger went into some detail for Source on the creation of The Washington Post?sThe Grid. The Grid is meant to be a dynamic and interactive platform for staying up to date on breaking news stories, including an ?even mix of photos, instagrams, tweets, articles, videos, animated gifs, quotes, and other content types.?
Are there lessons journalists can learn from Airbnb? What can sensors tell us about the state of New York City?s public housing stock? How can nonprofits, governments, and for-profit companies collaborate to create places for public engagement online?
The Impact of Social Media on Newsrooms & Journalists
Anyone in public relations or journalism would have trouble challenging the statement that social media has delivered massive, unprecedented changes across all forms of media (and every publication still in existence).
When it comes to digital news trends, a Reuters Institute study says some stereotypes ring true
People in the U.S., France, Japan, and Brazil are all consuming more of their news digitally than ever before. But whether they will pay for a national news story ? or post that article on Facebook once they find it ? varies widely, and national culture plays a role in those differences.
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