found in Sam Thomas
European sub-culture & gender clichés
Just amazing. A European film about sub-culture that might also destroy some gender clichés. Girl Power!
European Parliament staff statistics by nationality and grade
Earlier this year, the Spanish EU Council Presidency has written a letter to the Secretary General of the European Parliament, Klaus Welle, asking for detailed staff statistics of the European Parliament Secretariat in the same way as the EP wants these statistics from the Council.
Relations between the EU Commission and national parliaments in 2009
The Commission has issued a report on its relations with the national parliaments and the activities of these parliaments vis-à-vis the Commission.
Greece steps up anti-corruption campaign
EU: Stability programme and elections in the Netherlands
On 9 June 2010 the Dutch are going to elect a new House of Representatives after the fall of the government led by Jan Peter Balkenende. Even such a ?virtuous? country as the Netherlands was severely hit by the financial and economic crisis, so the new government coalition faces the difficult challenge to find a way to return to economic growth and fiscal prudence. Does this tally with the election campaign and voters’ perceptions?
A Digital Agenda for Europe
Source: European Commission
From Press Release:
Seven goals
A new Single Market to deliver the benefits of the digital era
Citizens should be able to enjoy commercial services and cultural entertainment across borders. But EU online markets are still separated by barriers which hamper access to pan-European telecoms services, digital services and content. Today there are four times as many music downloads in the US as in the EU because of the lack of legal offers and fragmented markets. The Commission intends to open up access to legal online content by simplifying copyright clearance, management and cross-border licensing. Other actions include making electronic payments and invoicing easier and simplifying online dispute resolution.
EU: Convergence programme Poland
Stability programmes for eurozone countries on the one hand, convergence programmes for member states still without the euro. You can start by reading the background remarks on economic policy coordination in the European Union, in the blog post EU: Useful stability and convergence programmes? (3 June 2010).
EU: Stability programme Slovakia
Stability programmes for eurozone countries on the one hand, convergence programmes for member states still without the euro.
EU: Stability programme Malta
Stability programmes for eurozone countries on the one hand, convergence programmes for member states still without the euro.
EU: Stability programme Portugal
The abbreviation PIIGS has become shorthand for the troubled economies which represent five out of 16 members and a considerable proportion of the population of the eurozone: Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain.
EU: Convergence programme Sweden
Brownie points for those who read and think about these EU documents, despite the Swedish hoop-la surrounding the upcoming (19 June) wedding of the Crown Princess, the future Queen Victoria, and the global commotion caused by the FIFA World Cup in South Africa.
EU: Convergence programme Romania
Stability programmes for eurozone countries on the one hand, convergence programmes for member states still without the euro.
Rightist group jolts Sweden’s tolerant self-image
Sweden and eurozone: Optional treaty compliance?
Sweden is a unique case among the member state economies in the European Union: competitive and social and with healthy public finances.
EU: Stability programme Spain
Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain: The abbreviation PIIGS has become shorthand for five troubled economies in the 16 member eurozone. Their total population is about 132 million, which is about 40 per cent of the euro area total (almost 330 million).
EU: Stability programme Slovenia
The current market turmoil and the end-of-the-eurozone prophecies raise two questions in my mind: Are the prescriptions given in the latest spate of Council opinions wrong? If not, do the governments lack credibility when it comes to restoring sustainable growth and budget discipline?
With this blog series we invite readers to judge the Council opinions and the prospects for corrective action for themselves.
EU: Convergence programme and budget cuts United Kingdom
Britain?s prime minister David Cameron is a busy man. He met Herman Van Rompuy, a man the politically illiterate crew in Downing Street brand as the ?EU President?, when in fact he is the president of the European Council (without a vote). They also refer to the ?EU Council?, when they clearly mean the upcoming meeting of the European Council 17 June 2010, where Cameron sits together with the other heads of state or government from the EU member states. (Luckily, the press release was short; only two obvious misnomers.)
The Coalition Government Ducks the English Question, Gareth Young
England may have voted Conservative at the general election but it won’t be Conservative policy on the West Lothian Question that England gets. The Conservatives won a majority of seats in both England and England & Wales, yet their promise to the voters of England and Wales that ‘a Conservative government will introduce new rules so that legislation referring specifically to England, or to England and Wales, cannot be enacted without the consent of MPs representing constituencies of those countries’ has been reneged upon in favour of a ‘commission to consider the West Lothian question’.
European Financial Stability Facility EFSF
Monday, 7 June 2010 the finance ministers of the eurozone countries, meeting in Luxembourg, issued a press release on the establishment of the ? 440 billion European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which is meant to defend the stability of the euro area.
Here is a link to the press release from the Euro Group and the text in full, with a few explanatory notes inserted:
Where democracy and transparency in eurozone rescue?
The eurozone rescue operations between the Euro Group governments have left EU citizens with little more than a number of communiqés.
Commission tasks: European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
This far today we have published two blog posts with regard to the meeting of the Euro Group in Luxembourg 7 June 2010: European Financial Stability Facility EFSF and Where democracy and transparency in eurozone rescue? (both 8 June 2010).
MAIN FOCUS: Germany’s model – and risky – austerity package | 08/06/2010
Germany’s conservative-liberal government announced on Monday its plans to slash the federal budget by around 80 billion euros by 2014. European commentators write that while Chancellor Angela Merkel’s austerity package serves as a model for the EU, it could jeopardise economic recovery in other states.
Géopolitique de l?Eurovision
Marianne (France), 5 juin 2010, p. 74
Joseph Macé-Scaron
Faudra-t-il bientôt demander à Alexandre Adler de siéger aux côtés de Stéphane Bern pour analyser l?an prochain les résultats du concours Eurovision de la chanson ? Cette compétition qui fut musicale dans un lointain passé est, en effet, en train de devenir un élément de politique internationale, un signe éclatant des affinités électives entre les peuples, de l?Atlantique au Caucase. Rien de nouveau sous les projecteurs, objectera-t-on. La Grèce votera toujours pour Chypre, et inversement. Cette réciprocité se retrouve avec les pays de l?Est et dans une moindre mesure avec les nations scandinaves.
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