EFD Rights Watch: rape scandal at the highest judicial level; growing frustration with KCK operations…

  Fury rages over rape case from Hurriyet Dailynews by ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News Government ministers and deputies from opposition parties all joined an outcry regarding a court decision that lowers the sentence for 26 suspects who were tried for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl. Family and Social Policies Minister Fatma Şahin … Read more

Elif Sudagezer: Türkiye’de ‘rıza üretimi’ N.Ç. davası üzerine…

Türkiye’de ‘rıza üretimi’- NÇ davası üzerine… N.Ç’nin bitmek bilmeyen dava sürecinin sonunda verilen karar, toplum vicdanını rahatlatmaktan çok uzak.  N.Ç yıllar boyunca (aslında bu adı kullanırken, suça maruz kalan kişinin yaşadıklarını adını sürekli telafuz ederek bir kez daha üretmemek için XY) içinde bulunduğu zor durumla yeniden ve yeniden yüzleşti.   ‘XY.?ye annelik yapan’ Leman Yurtsever, bir … Read more

Yargıtay decrees: Headscarf is illegal

Yargıtay (The Supreme Court of Appeals of Turkey ) today made the headlines. It announced that YÖK’s latest move, allowing headscarfed women to universities, is not right, it violates Constitutional and European Court decisions. After the HSYK defeat, this seems to be a last breath shot of the Kemalist judiciary… I don’t believe Yargıtay’s move … Read more

Attempts to take Turkey back to pre-AKP political scene: PKK increase attacks, Top courts intervene in favor of Ergenekon, American neocons scream for battle

Top Statesmen visit the ambushed site … and a few ask why the all powerful Turkish army cannot defend its own soldiers… And the government doesn’t have any other support than its own constituencies. Hard times to be an AKP official. Middle Eastern sympathies cannot become a concrete support in near future, AKP has to … Read more