“Syria crisis overshadows G20 summit… Turkey rushes to push for Syria…

Warlords in Syria and Turkey Today I will leave aside the ?strategically deep? topics and focus on a smaller problem Obama, not at his best…  MAIN FOCUS: Syria crisis overshadows G20 summit | 05/09/2013 The G20 leaders convene in St. Petersburg today, Thursday. Commentators expect the topic of Syria to dominate the talks. While some hope … Read more

Social roundup: Turkey’s tolerant Hatay province unease with sectarian tensions due to Syrian conflict…

Syrian conflict brings sectarian tensions to Turkey’s tolerant Hatay province   Erdogan‘s Islamist government accused of exploiting religious divisions in Antakya, long renowned for its ethnic diversity Nearly a quarter of the 2 million people who have fled the crisis in Syria ? some 460,000 ? have made their way into Turkey, the UN high commission for refugees announcedon Tuesday. ********** Beşiktaş fans … Read more

Serhatcan Yurdam (@syurdam): Suriyeli mülteci sayısı 2 milyonu aştı

Suriyeli mülteci sayısı 2 milyonu aştı BM Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliğ’inin (UNHCR) resmi web sitesi‘nde dün yapılan açıklamada Suriyeli mülteci sayısının 2 milyonu aştığı belirtildi.  Bir yıl önce 230 bin civarındaki mülteci sayısı bir sene içinde 1 milyon 800 bin civarında arttı. via “Tek teselli komşu ülkeler” BM Mülteciler Yüksek Komiseri António Guterres Suriye’de üç yıldır süren savaşın … Read more

“Syria reconstruction would cost $73 billion…Turkey talks possible role in Syria with United States.. Syria updates…

Turkey talks possible role in Syria with United States Turkey has discussed several military options on Syria with the United States in preliminary talks Syria reconstruction would cost $73 billion: report If the war in Syria suddenly stopped and reconstruction began today, around $73 billion would be needed to put the country back on track Arab ministers to … Read more

Obama wins support from leaders in Congress for Syria military strike… Syria updates….

  Obama wins support from leaders in Congress for Syria military strike U.S. President Barack Obama won the support of leaders from both parties in the House of Representatives for limited strikes against President Bashar al-Assad‘s forces Understanding the Syrian Civil War Consortium News Chillingly, the just cited Wikileaks memorandum notes that the assembled military and intelligence officers … Read more

More than 2m have fled Syria says UN; Ballistic objects detected by Russia fell into sea… Syria updates.

Russia says ballistic “objects” fired in Mediterranean Russian radar detected two ballistic “objects” that were fired towards the eastern Mediterranean Ballistic objects detected by Russia fell into sea: RIA Russian radar detected two ballistic “objects” that were fired towards the eastern Mediterranean Number of Syrian refugees passes 2 million mark: UN More than two million Syrians have … Read more