Cyberculture agenda: “Pirates Become Biggest Political Party in Local Czech Election…”Laura Poitras on the Crypto Tools..”

The FBI Director’s Evidence Against Encryption Is Pathetic  The Intercept by Dan Froomkin FBI Director James Comey gave a speech Thursday about how cell-phone encryption could lead law enforcement to a “very dark place” where it “misses out” on crucial evidence to nail criminals. To make his case, he cited four real-life examples — examples that … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: “Global directory of freedom technologists… Russian Internet… Steve Wozniak- Net Neutrality- FCC

  Global directory of freedom technologists: projects, networks, organisations  media/anthropology by John Postill This is a working directory of some of the global projects, networks and organisations where leading freedom technologists congregate and collaborate. It is part of current research towards my forthcoming book Hacker, Lawyer, Journalist, Spy: Freedom Technologists and Political Change in an Age of Global Protest. Please note … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Pirate Parties that Plan to Enter The European Parliament, “Eurovision’s Bearded-Lady Champion…

These Pirate Parties Plan to Enter The European Parliament TorrentFreak by Ben Jones Where you can vote pirate (click to open map) In roughly two weeks time, people all over the European Union will be going to the polls to elect the next European Parliament. Five years ago, the Swedish Pirate Party had a Russians Hate Eurovision’s Bearded-Lady … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Pirates are the biggest spenders…Facebook more valuable brand than Apple and Google…

Pirates are the biggest spenders: US P2P users buy 30% more music than their non-P2P counterparts by Emil Protalinski Various studies over the years have shown that the biggest music pirates are also the biggest spenders on recorded music. The latest one from The American Assembly goes as far as quantifying the difference between a … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: most torrents are monitored, and much more..

New research: Most top torrents are monitored, your IP address can be logged within three hours from The Next Web by Emil Protalinski If you?ve downloaded a popular torrent in the last three years, you may have had your IP address logged and your activities monitored, according to new research. Computer scientists from the University … Read more