Cyberculture agenda: “Pirates Become Biggest Political Party in Local Czech Election…”Laura Poitras on the Crypto Tools..”

The FBI Director’s Evidence Against Encryption Is Pathetic  The Intercept by Dan Froomkin FBI Director James Comey gave a speech Thursday about how cell-phone encryption could lead law enforcement to a “very dark place” where it “misses out” on crucial evidence to nail criminals. To make his case, he cited four real-life examples — examples that … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Leaders gather in Warsaw for climate talks…”EU agrees ?135.5bn budget for 2014

  Leaders gather in Warsaw for climate talks Delegates expected to make only modest progress in halting global warming, but could lay the groundwork for comprehensive agreement in two years? time ‘Realism’ to dominate climate talks Over the next fortnight, negotiators from all over the world are meeting in Warsaw in the hope of advancing discussion … Read more