Turkish social fabric roundup. AKP’s most ambitious social engineering project starts with the new education system while “bedroom watch” continues…

 Also this article has a very timely content: Leman, Penguen or Uykusuz: Turkey’s comic books vs. Erdogan from cafebabel.com by Marie Jackson Utter the names of these satirical comic magazines in the presence of any Turk, and their eyes will light up with recognition. Yet these publications are a serious thorn in the side of the government. Despite … Read more

Cartoonists as racists. Penguen’s cover.

This popular humor magazine cover that is supposedly criticising PM Erdoğan’s pro-Arab stance is racist. That’s why I cannot take their and many other media personnel’s anti-AKP standing seriously. This cover once again demonstrates their level of political intelligence…. A friendfeed discussion here.