Anthropologists talk about ” REVOLUTION AND COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN EGYPT “; Open Access debates continue… an anthropology roundup

HOT SPOTS: REVOLUTION AND COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN EGYPT Submitted by Cultural Anthro… on Tue, 2012-01-31 11:54 Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Egypt a Year after January 25th Guest Editors: Julia Elyachar (University of California, Irvine) and Jessica Winegar (Northwestern University) On January 25, 2011, Egyptians from all social backgrounds marched to public squares across Egypt and began an 18 day revolution … Read more

Ryan Anderson interviews Jason Baird Jackson on anthropology and open access…and an anthropology roundup….

Anthropology & Open Access: An Interview with Jason Baird Jackson (Part 1 of 3) from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology ? A Group Blog by Ryan During the last few weeks I had the chance to conduct an email based interview with Jason Baird Jackson about Open Access (OA), academic publishing, and anthropology? … Read more

Anthro roundup: AAA Long Range Plan debate continues…

Human genetic variation: the first 50 dimensions from Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog by Dienekes Here is a huge data dump for anyone interested in human variation. Part of the reason I started the Dodecad Project was to be able to analyze data on my own, rather than having to squint to make sense of a plot, … Read more

Search Open Access Anthropology Journals offers a search engine for

Open Access Anthropology Journals

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Anthro roundup: Savage Minds at Five, news from Human Terrain System etc…

New Open Access Journal: Anthropology Reviews: Dissent and Cultural Politics (ARDAC) from – anthropology in the news blog by Lorenz Is this one of the first real web2.0-journals in anthropology? A new Open Access journal was launched: Anthropology Reviews: Dissent and Cultural Politics (ARDAC) Five years of Savage Minds: Its the Content, Stupid from … Read more

“Open Access at Duke

Global Pulse 2010: An invitation to talk to decision makers online

from Global Voices Online by Lester Bolicenni

global_pulseFrom March 29 to 31, Global Pulse 2010 aims to gather over 20.000 individuals and representatives of organisations in an online conversation dealing with topics ranging from human development to science and technologies.

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Savage Minds asks: Do anthropologists have a moral obligation to make their work accessible to the people they are writing about?



Is it unethical to say something about someone that they cannot understand?

from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology ? A Group Blog by Rex


Do anthropologists have a moral obligation to make their work accessible to the people they are writing about? The answer, to me, is an obvious ?yes?. Although as someone who has blogged for almost a decade I seem to think that the public waits with baited breath for a description of my breakfast so I am maybe not the best person to ask. Still, I think most people can agree that anthropologists have a moral obligation to share their research with the community where they worked as well as the public. But how much of our scholarly output should be this sort of work?

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"The geopolitical anthropology of media

John Postill asks “What would a geopolitical anthropology of media entail? Lorenz interviews “anthropology song girl” and more from the world of anthropology…

The geopolitical anthropology of media

by John Postill

What would a geopolitical anthropology of media entail? In other words, how would one go about studying anthropologically (and not just ethnographically) the relationship between power, culture and geography in the emergence of contemporary media ecologies?

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Burqas and anthropologists

France asks anthropologist for advice on burqa-ban

by Lorenz

France banned burqas in public schools in 2004. Now, a parliamentary commission is investigating a possible ban on burqas in public places and anthropology professor John Bowen was asked to testify on this matter, Student Life and New York Times report.

And older round of anthro news and unrelated images from the web:

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