Turkish judiciary efficient for the Hrant Dink assassin but not for others:(

Imprisoned for 31 years and 1 month; release blocked for the past 13 months Political prisoner Resul Baltacı has now been imprisoned for 31 years and 1 month. HRW director urges Europe to pressure Turkey over human rights record Ogün Samast, convicted assassin of Hrant Dink, released after 16 years in prison Samast’s release, Çomak’s … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Hrant Dink Foundation award goes to Turkey?s Saturday Mothers

Hrant Dink Foundation award goes to Turkey?s Saturday Mothers Turkey?s ‘Saturday mothers,’ who have gathered every Saturday in Istanbul for nearly 15 years to draw attention to their missing family members, received the 5th International Hrant Dink Award The ?Friends of Hrant? and the ?Friends of his murderer? My friend Hrant was killed six years … Read more

Feyza Akınerdem: Global Köyün Bıçkın Delikanlısı [Ogün Samast]

Global Köyün Bıçkın Delikanlısı Ogün Samast?ın kendisini cezasını çekmek üzere hapishaneye gönderen mahkemede yaptığı son savunmada Marshall McLuhan?ın ?Araç mesajdır? iddiasını sloganlaştırıp, ?beni bu hale getiren medyadır? dediğini Pınar Öğünç?ün yazısından öğrendik. McLuhan?ı fazla okumuşluğum yok.  Medyada üretilen ?mesajların? içeriğinin yanında hangi araç/medium?la iletildiğinin de insan algısı üzerinde etkili olduğunu iddia ettiği bir teorisi vardır. … Read more

for the record, 1,469 Bodies in 114 Mass Graves so far… A human rights in Turkey roundup

1,469 Bodies in 114 Mass Graves – More to Come from Bianet :: English A research by the Turkish Medical Association revealed that the remains of 1,469 people were found in 114 mass graves so far, the real figure may exceed these numbers by far. The association is concerned about the obscuring of evidence during … Read more

Another dark moment for the Turkish judiciary: Hrant Dink murderer to be tried at Juvenile Court

and he will probably get a short sentence and be out soon… Dark alliance behind this triggerman remains unraveled… Triggerman Suspect to be Tried at Juvenile Court from Bianet :: English The 15th hearing of the trial regarding the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink is currently held in Istanbul – the first session after … Read more

Dink’s murderer’s interrogation video released

Watch the video here. So humane treatment for him..

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