Politics updates: “Gülen movement to be added to top-secret national security ‘Red Book’

Gülen movement to be added to top-secret national security ‘Red Book’ The movement of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen will be added to Turkey’s top-secret national security document President Gül: I have never considered founding a new party Hurriyet Daily News Turkey’s illiberal turn Policy Brief (The European Council on Foreign Relations) ECFR/108, July 2014, 8 … Read more

Anti-semitism now explicit and politically strong…

Yeni Akit is way below journalistic standards. However, his chief editor is a permanent guest in PM Erdoğan’s trips and its news function to target individuals with real damaging results… Ziya Meral‏@Ziya_Meral : Shocking.. Turkish newspaper Akit publishes crossword with pic of Hitler, keywords under it “We are searching you” Ahmet A. Sabancı ‏@ahmetasabanci : Turkish newspaper Akit’s crossword … Read more

Not that surprising: “AKP postpones parliamentary panel for corruption claims until after presidential elections

AKP postpones parliamentary panel for corruption claims until after presidential elections Hurriyet Daily News The ruling party has once again postponed the parliamentary investigation panel to investigate corruption claims on four former ministers Turkey’s religious head warns against Sunni bias 2 Hurriyet Daily News The head of Turkey’s top religious body said Turkey should ‘stay out of sectarian … Read more

2 unfortunate cases of dealing with Syrian refugees in Turkey

What happened in Kahramanmaraş today is more than unfortunate. The town is known to be predominantly nationalist (both AKP and MHP dominated the last local election) and a place where two decades ago a massacre against Alevites happened. Using a few petty crimes allegedly made by Syrian refugees, a mass of local residents attacked Arabic labelled stores, … Read more

Literati roundup: “One hundred best non fiction books….

In the mean time, Erkan currently reads and recommends these books, in the mean time: Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity and Meaningful Work and Play by James C. Scott No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State by Glenn Greenwald ********************** One hundred best non fiction books. ORGANIZED … Read more

Video: A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.

A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.Who’s-killing-who viewer’s guide here: blog.ninapaley.com/2012/10/01/this-land-is-mine/NEW: we now have MERCH! A This Land Is Mine silk pocket square: questioncopyright.com/sm-tlim-pocket-sq.html Makes a great fashion accessory or matzoh cover, and supports the artist.

EFD Rights Watch: ” knife-wielding men terrorize Istanbul church…”Court acquits protesters for chanting ‘Erdoğan murderer…

Christians in Turkey ‘fearful’ after knife-wielding men terrorize Istanbul church   A recent attack against a church in Istanbul has raised the fears of the Christian community in Turkey, a leading member of the country’s Syriac community said in a statement Court acquits protesters for chanting ‘Erdoğan murderer’ Hurriyet Daily News A local court has … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Yeni Devlet

  Yeni Devlet            Ağustos seçimi Tayyip Erdoğan için Yeni Türkiye’nin Yeni Devleti’nin temelinin atılacağı bir ön başkanlık seçimi. Amiral gemisiSabah ve etrafı başbakanın devlet başkanlığından bahsederken olmuş bitmiş gibi yazıyor artık. 2013 başlarında Yalçın Akdoğan da parlamenter sistemden di’li geçmiş zamanda bahsederdi. Hafızasız bir topluluk olduğumuzdan, gayet organize bir iş olan başkanlık mühendisliğinin olgunlaşmasını ve içeriğini … Read more

Right at the Galata Tower. Another sign of AKP aesthetics.

******* In other İstanbul related news:  The many layers of Istanbul Chicago Tribune I first visited Istanbul in the 1970s. Some of my most vivid memories of that trip are of the colorful locals. Scruffy kids sold cherry juice and old men Istanbul’s largest panoramic photo unveiled Hurriyet Daily News … panoramic images from around … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: IŞİD dersleri

IŞİD dersleri   Yakın tarih gözlüğünü takıp okumaya çalışalım. Güney komşularımızdaki gelişmelere bölgeye Osmanlı?nın son döneminden itibaren yapılan yabancı ve yerli müdahaleler ışığında bakınca tüyler ürpertici bir tablo çıkıyor. 20. yüzyıl başında Osmanlı toprağı ve petrol zengini Mezopotamya ile ?Verimli Arabistan?ın Fransız ve İngilizler arasında 1916 tarihli Sykes Picot Anlaşması uyarınca paylaşılması ve bugünkü yapay … Read more

In the mean time, a pro-govt daily fantasizes to conquer Mosul and Kirkuk

And also includes Armenian lands into their fantasy: Turkish trolls focus on ISIS accounts…

Cengiz Aktar: Firavun Havaalanı

Firavun Havaalanı ?İstanbul?u dozerler bürüdü! İstanbul?un kuzeyinde talan ve vahşet kol geziyor. Talan ve vahşet, yine yalanla besleniyor! Kuzey ormanlarında gümbür gümbür ilerleyen dozerler, ?kalkınma, büyüme, gelişme? diye bağırıyor. (?) İstanbul halkı, kulak ver! 3.havalimanı katliamının bedelini ciğerlerin sökülerek, cebin boşaltılarak, su kaynakların yok edilerek, beton bir cehennemde yaşamaya mahkûm edilerek sen ödüyorsun sen ödeyeceksin! … Read more

EFD Haftanın siteleri: Yenidenbaslat.org ve @HTTPSKullan by @altbilisim #yenidenbaslat

https://yenidenbaslat.org/ Arkadaşlarını da haberdar et. Mahremiyet Paketini Paylaş Güvende olabilmek için özgür yazılımlar kullanın ve güvenli/özgür yazılımlar kullanan servisleri tercih edin.Şifreleme araçlarını mümkün olduğunca günlük hayatınıza entegre etmeye çalışın. Müşteri ya da topluluğunuzla olan iletişiminizi PGP gibi şifreleme araçlarıile kurun. SSL kullanın ve müşterilerinizi/topluluğunuzu şifreleme araçları ile ilgili bilgilendirin. Kullanıcılarınız ile kurduğunuz iletişimin gizliliği anayasal bir haktır. Bu gizliliği sağlamak … Read more

Permanent conquest of Istanbul… a news roundup….

Experts to inspect Istanbul 3rd bridge construction Hurriyet Daily News The Istanbul Archaeology Museum has sent a team to inspect the route of Istanbul’sthird bridge after reports that contractors have failed to inform The world’s 5th largest city, Istanbul, is running out of water Daily Kos According to the latest statistics from the Istanbul water authority the level of the … Read more

Despite Constitutional Court, Youtube still blocked. Turkey a growing land of lawlessness?

Turkish Court Says YouTube Ban Is Unconstitutional  NYT > Turkey by By CEYLAN YEGINSU DISPATCHES FROM TURKEY: Popular Twitter User Receives 15 Months of Prison  Bianet :: English E. P., the owner of popular twitter user “Allah CC?, has been convicted to 15 months of prison for ?overtly humiliating religious values accepted by a faction of the society?. … Read more