Anthropology roundup: “Religion has been causing conflict since 2000 years ago,anthropologists say”…

Religion has been causing conflict since 2000 years ago,anthropologists say ChristianToday This social tension caused by religion, however, is not a product of the modern world, according to a new study published on the journal “Current Anthropology.” In fact, researchers have concluded that religion has been causing conflict for over 2,000 Anthropologists overwhelmingly vote to … Read more

Literati roundup: “Pierre Bourdieu’s Photographs of Wartime Algeria….”Doctoral Education and the Knowledge Economy..

  Pierre Bourdieu’s Photographs of Wartime Algeria Open Culture by Colin Marshall If you know the work of Pierre Bourdieu, you probably know it as sociology, or perhaps philosophy. Whatever you call the discipline he worked in, the man remained thoroughgoingly concerned with the dynamics of power in every context. Doctoral Education and the Knowledge Economy: European and U.S. … Read more