Susan Fowler: “An Ancient Angel Is Revealed in Istanbul

The newly revealed mosaic angel at the Hagia Sophia in  Istanbul.

An Ancient Angel Is Revealed in Istanbul
New York Times (blog)
By SUSANNE FOWLER After what seems like ages, a portion of scaffolding has been removed from the interior of the Hagia Sophia

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Kırmızı. A band that rocks.

I and Ümit Bektaş were lucky to meet with the members of all-girls metal band, Kırmızı, for an interview at Taksim Face. The interview will be published in a few days and here I would like to introduce a very successful and promising metal band. They have been playing together for five years now and … Read more

Sepultura concert tomorrow
The Brazilian death metal giants, Sepultura, is performing tomorrow night in Istanbul. I don’t particularly like death metal but this band deserves a special place in the history of heavy metal. This will be the first time I will be watching them live.

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Metalhead Diaries; A look at Turkish metal scene (In Turkish)

An interview with Özge Özkan, Turkish gothic metal band, Catafalque’s lead singer, who prepared the Metalhead Diaries documentary… Part I Metalci Günlükleri; Catafalque grubu ve solo projesiyle tanıdığımız metal sahnesinin en önemli bayan vokallerinden Özge Özkan’ın hazırlamış olduğu Türkiye’de metal müzikte dışavurum temalı bir öğrenci belgeselidir. Fakat bir öğrenci belgeseli olmanın ötesinde,Türkiye’de metal müziğin … Read more

A video: Fairuz Derin Bulut

Fairuz Derin Bulut Official website. via last fm