Anthropology roundup: “Anthropology and the MacArthurs…

Anthropology and the MacArthurs Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology The 2016 MacArthur Fellows were announced yesterday and — unlike some years — there were no anthropologists on the list. Established back in 1981, the grant was intended not to find “geniuses” (despite the fact that its nicknamed the genius grant) but rather “talented individuals … Read more

an Anthro roundup: Science-anti science fight continues; at 1,000,000… at 1,000,000 from Neuroanthropology by dlende just broke through the 1,000,000 visits mark! We?ve done that in three years. Our very post came in December 2007. Even though Greg and I have moved over to Neuroanthropology PLoS, this site has continued to generate impressive traffic since September 1st. Here are some of the … Read more