Cyberculture agenda: “Signs Point to Unencrypted Communications Between Terror Suspects…

Signs Point to Unencrypted Communications Between Terror Suspects The Intercept by Dan Froomkin In the wake of the Paris attack, intelligence officials and sympathizers upset by the Edward Snowden leaks and the spread of encrypted communications havetried to blame Snowden for the terrorists’ ability to keep their plans secret from law enforcement. Yet news emerging from … Read more

1 million free images from British Library…

here is the link:   British Library uploads one million public domain images to the net for remix and reuse The British Library has uploaded one million public domain scans from 17th-19th century books to Flickr! They’re embarking on an ambitious programme to crowdsource novel uses and navigation tools for the huge corpus. Already, … Read more

MPAA Claims Victory as isoHunt to shut down. Probably a Pyrrhic one… A Cyberculture roundup…

  isoHunt Shuts Down After $110 Million Settlement With The MPAA For more than seven years isoHunt and the MPAA have been battling it out in court and today the case appears to end, for now. Both parties have submitted a request to end the case and isoHunt founder Gary Fung agreed to pay a $110 million … Read more