Yesterday in Diyarbakır… Serhatcan Yurdam storified.

  [View the story “Diyarbakır’daki BDP Mitingine Polis Saldırısı – Fotoğraf Derlemesi” on Storify]

Towards 15th October… a roundup of protests from Occupy Wall Street to Greece…

15th october: #United we will re-invent the world | Just another Take The Square Sites site from Social Network Unionism by OrsanSenalp Via ? Mapping Social Network Unionism Worldwide On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, people … Read more

NOW: Reports of police violence against pro-Hatip Dicle protesters in Taksim

Higher Election Council (YSK) cancelled the MP status of pro-Kurdish BDP candidate Hatip Dicle yesterday. Since then BDP fans are protesting. As of 19, there started a march in Taksim and there are reports of police brutality and despite that protests continue. I will collect twitter reports here:!/theserendipity/status/83582986561396736!/theserendipity/status/83581837481488384!/organiktus/status/83581975109173249!/ASLIERDAL/status/83574722046078976!/nianerten/status/83576256066621441!/_chiquitita_/status/83575429277040640!/_chiquitita_/status/83573782245154816 … Read more

Scenes from Turkey. RapidShare also banned now, Students clash with police, More pressure on The Great March of Anatolia and are also banned now… news in Turkish here. A group of protesting students clashed with police today. There was an international higher education symposium in Istanbul and the group was to protest Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) more photos here. The Great March of Anatolia is stopped by Police before entering Ankara…more … Read more

high school kids organize thru Facebook and took on streets to protest the test scandal…

more photos here. Millions of fates are put to the test in Turkey by ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News With limited spots available at Turkey’s universities, the fate of 1.7 million students a year can hinge on how they fare on a 160-question test ? a national exam currently embroiled in accusations of cheating. But … Read more

Now news of violence in Egypt. Who to follow for news, Anthropologists’ explaining the situation all in the Roundup…

I see Twitter messages announcing a demonstration in front of the Egyptian consulate in Istanbul at 23.00… posted by cynthiadias Protests in Cairo turn violent White House condemns Egypt violence from FP Passport by Joshua Keating White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has issued the following statements on the bloodshed in Tahrir Square, condemning the violence … Read more