Eurosphere agenda: Merkel faces more failures at home…

Merkel faces home truths Brussels Blog by Alex Barker To receive the Brussels Briefing in your inbox every morning, sign up here. It is Angela Merkel’s home state. There aren’t even many refugees there (23,000 in 2015 to be precise). But on Sunday rural Mecklenburg-Vorpommern earned a small footnote in post-war history, becoming the first state … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “France burkini highest court suspends ban…

France burkini highest court suspends ban BBC News | Europe | World Edition France’s highest administrative court suspends a ban on controversial full-body “burkini” swimsuits in a town on the Mediterranean coast. The burkini as a mirror  open Democracy News Analysis – by Adam Seligman Unless we are willing to live with the discomfort of what is … Read more