"Gen. Başbuğ?s threats are counterproductive

Taraf: Stop threatening and explain what happened!

Gen. Başbuğ’s threats are counterproductive

Turks have increasingly begun using their democratic right to criticize in such taboo areas as the role of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in politics since the Helsinki Summit of 1999, the year Turkey gained candidate status for accession to the European Union.


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Why is Gen. Başbuğ so angry?

 update: a military court decision: stop reporting on the issue as of 15 Oct evening… Turkey’s Chief of Staff Gen. Ilker Basbug speaks to the media during a military ceremony in the western Turkish city of Balikesir, Turkey, Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008. Gen. Basbug said that ‘those who praise the actions of the separatist terrorists … Read more

"Lisbon Treaty: Ireland is not the only problem

Lisbon Treaty: Ireland is not the only problem

Whilst there is a unanimous view among the Irish electorate that their ‘no’ vote on the Lisbon Treaty should be respected, it is "necessary to respect the fact that a substantial majority of member states have approved [the text]" too, argues Peadar ó Broin, a researcher at the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), in a paper for the European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN).

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… And Erkan submits the first draft

Erkan’s current dissertation commitee members: 

James D. Faubion (Rice), chair. 

George Marcus (UC Irvine), 

Carl Caldwell (Rice), 

Christopher Kelty (UCLA), 

Michael Fischer (MIT), 

Hamid Naficy (Northwestern)



The table of contents:

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the Minister apologizes!

Minister of Justice apologizes because of the death of Engin Ceber. He said investigation continues in Metris Prison and 19 officials temporarily suspended….

Pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) deputies Emine Ayna ...

Pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) deputies Emine Ayna (front L) and Ibrahim Binici (front R) hold Azadiya Welat newspapers, which is published in Turkey in Kurdish language, during a meeting at the Turkish parliament in Ankara October 14, 2008, as they are flanked by their colleagues (back). DTP deputies on Tuesday protested against a Turkish court’s decision to ban the publication of the Azadiya Welat newspaper for a month.


Heavy criticism over torture allegations

Torture and mistreatment by the state have again come to the fore after the death of a leftist activist, allegedly due to injuries from a beating by police and prison guards. Opposition deputies criticized

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Erkan interviewed in Arte TV blog; 9th Chapter finished…

As of 02.30 I had completed the 9th chapter. Hmm Erkan can manage to finish up with one day delay! I have a class in the morning, then I have all the afternoon. It is doable. I was interviewed in an ARTE TV blog interviewed me. Here is the interview with one of my cool … Read more

Engin Ceber

because he is a radical leftist, his case may be lost and may just be another item in Turkey’s shameful human rights history…

 Turkey probes death of activist
International Herald Tribune, France – Oct 12, 2008
Human rights groups say 29-year-old Engin Ceber was severely beaten by officers while in custody. He died in a hospital from a brain hemorrhage on Saturday

A Torture Death And Three Still In Danger

By Jenny White on torture in Turkey

...[Engin] Ceber, an inmate at Istanbul’s Metris Prison, died last week after allegedly being abused and tortured at the hands of police and prison guards. Ceber was reportedly taken into custody along with three friends in Istanbul for selling a leftist magazine. They were later convicted and sent to Metris Prison. The four inmates were allegedly subjected to disproportionate use of force and heavy torture by policemen and prison guards. Ceber was taken to the hospital last week and was pronounced dead there after suffering from a brain hemorrhage as a result of a head injury…


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"McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire

McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire

By Khaled Hosseini, The Washington Post, Sunday, October 12, 2008; B05

I prefer to discuss politics through my novels, but I am truly dismayed these days. Twice last week alone, speakers at McCain-Palin rallies have referred to Sen. Barack Obama, with unveiled scorn, as Barack Hussein Obama.

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Two down, three to go

As of Sunday 8 pm, I am done with the 7th chapter which had needed too much work to do. I have three more chapters to go. They are all in better shape. One is relatively ready. I might be a little late but I can be on time to finish up by Monday evening … Read more

"Preparing the EU for the future internet

Preparing the EU for the future internet

Source: European Commission
+ Commission Communication on future networks and the internet
Full Document (PDF; 84 KB)
+ Indexing broadband performance
Full Document (PDF; 157 KB)
+ Internet of things
Full Document (PDF; 75 KB)

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"Counterterrorism perspective in transformation

Counterterrorism perspective in transformation by MÜMTAZ’ER TÜRKÖNE

Turkey has been accustomed to living with terror. This habit goes back many years.

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"Author Le Clezio wins Nobel prize

‘Just reward’

Finns welcome Nobel Peace Prize for one of their own

Author Le Clezio wins Nobel prize

Distinguished French novelist Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio is awarded this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature.


In Memoriam | Metin And: the Evliya Çelebi of Turkish culture

By M.A.M

Mavi Boncuk
Metin And: the Evliya Çelebi of Turkish culture
Despite Metin And’s advanced age, he was still producing and creating. He was quite happy in his Ankara home; the passage of years did nothing to decrease his ties to life and the general joy with which he faced life.

Profile | Prof. Metin AND (1927- 2008)

By M.A.M

Mavi Boncuk Prof. Metin AND (b. İstanbul, 1927- d Istanbul October 2, 2008)

Research Areas: History of performing arts (drama, opera, ballet-dance, puppetry, shadow theatre), semiotic of visual arts, Anatolian rituals, dances, magic, and games, Ottoman miniatures, social life, Ottoman iconography, and festivities, history of religions, mithology and folklore.

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here comes the final writing session

From Friday evening to Monday evening I intend to finish up 5 chapters and thus intend to send the first full draft. 

"EU laws being made scapegoat in fight against terror…

EU laws being made scapegoat in fight against terror


In the wake of what has occurred at the Aktütün border security station, we see a factor brought onto the agenda which we always see in these sorts of situations. What is being said is this, "EU laws are binding our hands and making the struggle against terror more difficult."

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"Why does Beethoven's Ode to Joy upset some Euro MPs?

Why does Beethoven’s Ode to Joy upset some Euro MPs?

A decision to make the EU flag and motto more prominent and play the EU anthem more often angers some British Euro MPs.

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