"Is non-Western modernization possible?

Is non-Western modernization possible?

As may be recalled, an important notion was coined by renowned sociologist Nilüfer Göle in 1992: "non-Western modernization."

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"McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire

McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire

By Khaled Hosseini, The Washington Post, Sunday, October 12, 2008; B05

I prefer to discuss politics through my novels, but I am truly dismayed these days. Twice last week alone, speakers at McCain-Palin rallies have referred to Sen. Barack Obama, with unveiled scorn, as Barack Hussein Obama.

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"Author Le Clezio wins Nobel prize

‘Just reward’

Finns welcome Nobel Peace Prize for one of their own

Author Le Clezio wins Nobel prize

Distinguished French novelist Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio is awarded this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature.


In Memoriam | Metin And: the Evliya Çelebi of Turkish culture

By M.A.M

Mavi Boncuk
Metin And: the Evliya Çelebi of Turkish culture
Despite Metin And’s advanced age, he was still producing and creating. He was quite happy in his Ankara home; the passage of years did nothing to decrease his ties to life and the general joy with which he faced life.

Profile | Prof. Metin AND (1927- 2008)

By M.A.M

Mavi Boncuk Prof. Metin AND (b. İstanbul, 1927- d Istanbul October 2, 2008)

Research Areas: History of performing arts (drama, opera, ballet-dance, puppetry, shadow theatre), semiotic of visual arts, Anatolian rituals, dances, magic, and games, Ottoman miniatures, social life, Ottoman iconography, and festivities, history of religions, mithology and folklore.

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"Rolling Stone presents 11 myths about Sarah Palin

fashion support for Obama…

Rolling Stone presents 11 myths about Sarah Palin

By Mark Frauenfelder

Rolling Stone has compiled a nice list of myths about Sarah Palin.

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"25 Harshest Reactions To the Wall Street Bailout

25 Harshest Reactions To the Wall Street Bailout

By Mark Frauenfelder

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"Why Washington Hates Wall Street…

SlaSlate Why Washington Hates Wall Street

An 80-year rivalry explained.
Timothy Noah

found in Obama bumper-stickers for every state project now complete

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"U.S. Religious Landscape Survey

U.S. Religious Landscape Survey

By Reflection Cafe

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life

Based on interviews with more than 35,000 American adults, this extensive survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life details the religious makeup, religious beliefs and practices as well as social and political attitudes of the American public. This online section includes dynamic tools that complement the full report. For a video overview and related material, go to the resource page

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"Poll finds Europeans favor Obama over McCain in US

Poll finds Europeans favor Obama over McCain in US

International Herald Tribune

"Poll finds Europeans favor Obama over McCain in US

WASHINGTON: Despite some optimism in 12 European countries that Democrat Barack Obama could improve relations with Europe if elected president, most Europeans polled in a survey released Wednesday do not want closer ties with the United States.

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Some blog ratings…

Following Julian, where this blog stands: (!) hmmm, this was at a higher level before, as far as I remember.

"Orhan Pamuk: Characters pull me along in their own directions…

Orhan Pamuk: Characters pull me along in their own directions By ABDULLAH KILIÇ These days Turkey is abuzz about Nobel Prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk and his new book, “Masumiyet Müzesi” (Museum of Innocence), with a first printing of 100,000 copies. Pamuk is quite pleased with the initial reactions from the press and from the first … Read more

"Ordinary Folks

Ordinary Folks

by Cheryl Rofer

I’ve been thinking some of this, on and off, but maybe now is the time to say it.

Barack Obama looks like ordinary folks I’m accustomed to. Yes, I’m white, and yes, I grew up in largely white northern New Jersey, but Obama is about the same age as, and looks a bit like, the son of my bff. She qualifies as bff because we have been more or less that status since our ages were in the single digits. Some things won’t ever change.

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With a "tough guy" woman…

Sarah Palin reminds me Turkey’s single female prime minister Tansu Çiller.  All that tough discourse and all. Çiller had her own discursive agenda-especially anti-Kurdish rant- while extra-judicial killings reached a record in her time.

Ms. Palin’s all that gun-love, anti-abortion rubbish- discourse- at least this is the image coming down here- is disgusting and I wonder what this can contribute to existing American foreign policies…

And she of course confirms a cliché. In order to move up as a female, you have to acquire ‘masculine’ traits…. 

Palin brings energy to ticket, but lacks foreign policy cred

By Patrick Fitzgerald on Energy

Michael Conti/AFP/Getty Images

A cursory search for Sarah Palin’s foreign policy credentials comes up with, well, nothing. It seems that John McCain figures he’s got that avenue covered, and has picked Palin to please the conservative base, add some youth to the ticket (she’s 44), and reach out to female voters.















Putin: U.S. started the Georgian war to help McCain

By Joshua Keating on Russia

Vladimir Putin’s made it fairly clear over the last few years that he’s not all that concerned about his popularity in the West. Still, it’s strange to see the normally well-spoken prime minister descend to Ahmadinejad-level paranoid bombast:

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