"25 Harshest Reactions To the Wall Street Bailout

25 Harshest Reactions To the Wall Street Bailout

By Mark Frauenfelder

The war on terror: seven years on , Paul Rogers

When the first column in this series was published on 26 September 2001, the United States was about to start a military operation to terminate the Taliban regime and disperse the al-Qaida movement, killing or capturing Osama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri and Mullah Omar. There was already a widespread view in Washington that the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq had also to be terminated, with some sources even linking Iraq to the atrocities of 9/11.

Paul Rogers is professor of peace studies at Bradford University, northern England. He has been writing a weekly column on global security on openDemocracy since 26 September 2001

NICHOLAS ROBERTS/AFP/Getty Images found here Friday Photo: Well, that’s one reaction

Demonstrators protest the proposed $700 billion Wall Street bail-out in front of the New York Stock Exchange in the Financial District in New York on September 25, 2008. In response to the global financial crisis, protesters, from a variety of activist groups, denounced the capitalist system, Wall Street, and the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush.

20 questions we would ask McCain and Obama

By Preeti Aroon

US election: populism versus elitism?

As we enter the last six weeks of the US election, all eyes are on the two presidential candidates. Their performance from now until Nov. 4 will be crucial to determining the next president of the US. In this world of postmodern politics, however, no one knows what a good performance is.

‘Know your place’: Obama’s challenge to American racism by CHRISTOPHER VASILLOPULOS

“They could succeed, but they could hardly, in any real sense, return. They could expiate their crimes in a technical, legal sense, but what they suffered there warped them into permanent outsiders.” — Robert Hughes, “The Fatal Shore”

US presidential debate: Did Barack Obama beat John McCain in the battle of the blogs?

By Jenny Percival on United States

Who won the first presidential debate and what did it reveal about the candidates?

Sarah Palin, Crowdsourced

By dan cohen

Views of Wikipedia are decidedly mixed in academia, though perhaps trending slowly from mostly negative to grudgingly positive. But regardless of your view of Wikipedia—or your political persuasion—you can’t help but be impressed with the activity that occurs on the site for current events. (The same holds only slightly less true for non-current events, as Roy Rosenzweig pointed out.)

Digging Deeper::Political Fact-Check Sites Proliferate, But Can They Break Through the Muck?

In PoliticalShift


As the U.S. elections near the finish line, the presidential campaigns are throwing around enough verbal attacks and inflammatory advertising to make the average voter’s head spin. Fortunately, there are now three excellent sources for fact-checking political discourse online: Annenberg Public Policy Center’s FactCheck.org, the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly’s PolitiFact and the Washington Post’s Fact Checker blog. And on the local level, there’s a new crowd-funded effort from Spot.us, Newsdesk.org and Public-Press.org to fact-check local political mailers in San Francisco.

Debate contrasts styles of leadership

John McCain and Barack Obama put their contrasting leadership styles on display as they staged what amounted to an audition for president during the great financial bailout debate of

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