Joint statement by @FedericaMog & @JHahnEU on the detention of several #HDP Members,including the party's co-chairs➡️https://t.co/bfVd5CXyIu pic.twitter.com/WbI5rbFXLY
— EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement 🇪🇺 (@eu_near) November 4, 2016
Turkish Embassy @TurkEmbLondon sends another press statement from the Turkish govt re HDP arrests: pic.twitter.com/rE0seDLmv5
— Seref Isler (@seref_i) November 4, 2016

HDP Spokesperson: These Days Will be a Disgrace in Turkey’s History

There were a few moments at 3.5006 (at least on the ask). Source: https://t.co/Ywg1YlHb2u (look at day range)
— Can Okar (@canokar) November 4, 2016
#HDP operasyonuna karşı Ankara'da düzenlenen açıklamaya polis saldırdı – https://t.co/z8cemUaV3p … pic.twitter.com/JdQKPqXPRp
— Kamera Sokak (@KameraSokak) November 4, 2016
AKP supporter threatening government critics that "we will seize your wives". Thousands of such messages. Like ISIS. AKP has become jihadi! pic.twitter.com/DGn2RubD1u
— Ihsan Yilmaz (@ihsanylmz) November 3, 2016
HDP'ye yapılan operasyonları protesto etmek için Ankara'da toplanan gruba polis biber gazıyla müdahale etti. (via @deniz_nazlim) pic.twitter.com/Uaq5NaHjGS
— 140journos (@140journos) November 4, 2016
Icons of democracy,peace detained in Turkey. Repression will fail, but can fuel extremism; World must act to release #Demirtaş & HDP leaders pic.twitter.com/N1K6KMRoNM
— Barham Salih (@BarhamSalih) November 4, 2016
Was to be expected. Kurdish people and organisations demonstrating in #Brussels. I am with them. pic.twitter.com/JKkgWFLsjM
— Diogo Pinto (@joaodiogopinto) November 4, 2016

Ambulances rush to the scene of where a car bomb explosion reportedly killed one person and wounded around 30 others in Turkey’s south-eastern city of Diyarbakir on Friday. The attack, followed by gunfire, came after the overnight arrests of 11 lawmakers from the Peoples’ Democratic party (HDP), whose base is largely drawn from Kurds in the region, as well as leftists and progressives throughout Turkey

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