#G20 Summit: In service for Turkey’s President Erdoğan’s personal reputation building…

  Probably this has been staged. This image was widely shared to imply Erdoğan’s grandeur over Obama. How unfortunate for the AKP leadership that their G20 show has been shadowed by Paris Attacks and G20 is not as televised in global scenes as they expected. Besides, there is the long held inferiority complex in the background: … Read more

Tech response to #Paris Attacks… As French jets pound #Raqqa

How Tech Learned From Past Crises And Reacted To The Paris Attacks What Facebook, Airbnb, and Uber did when terrorists attacked Paris. Brendan Klinkenberg BuzzFeed News Reporter 1. There are a growing number of technology platforms that people around the world depend on each day — a dependency that often becomes much starker in times of … Read more

the 37the İstanbul Marathon to cross Bosphorus… Istanbul news roundup…

Vodafone İstanbul runners cross the famous Bosporus Bridge during the 36th edition of the event in this Nov. 16, 2016 file photo.(Photo: Sunday’s Zaman) Vodafone İstanbul Marathon to cross Bosphorus for 37th time Today‘s Zaman Vodafone İstanbul runners cross the famous Bosporus Bridge during the 36th edition of the event in this Nov. 16, 2016 … Read more

A nice piece: “The Paris attackers hit the city’s young, progressive core…#ParisAttacks

The Paris attackers hit the city’s young, progressive core fusion.net – Manu Saadia – Nov 13, 6:11 PM Tonight, the golden triangle of Parisian youth culture is covered in blood. We do not yet know the full extent of the terrorist attacks in Paris that started Friday night, or even how many attacks there were. … Read more

Turkey’s Official accounts for #G-20 Summit #G20LiderlerZirvesi [and a roundup]

Twitter: @G20Turkey2015 Instagram: instagram.com/G20Turkey Facebook: facebook.com/G20Turkey Security issues occupy centre-stage at G20 summit  AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (IN DEPTH) Estimated 30,000 security personnel deployed in Antalya to secure summit, which usually focuses on economic issues G20 and Turkey’s firsts  AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (IN DEPTH) Among other objectives, the aim of the summit is to pave the way for a … Read more