BuzzFeed News
But, after all the years preparing and all the billions spent, Aliyev found himself sharing a VIP podium with the strongmen likes of Russia’s Vladimir Putin; Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, who .

Italy’s immigration crisis intensified Friday (12 June) after a build-up of asylum-seekers at two major train stations resulted in clashes with police, an outcry from the right and fresh calls from Rome for EU help.

The how, what, when and why of Greek capital controls
Reports have been circling this afternoon that, at a meeting in Bratislava, officials of the Euro working group have been discussing potential plans for a Greek default, including various options for Greek capital controls. With a deal looking as far off as it ever has, the risk of such controls is growing. Open Europe’s Raoul Ruparel lays out all you need to know.
Like putting a plaster on a wound that has not been cleaned, an EU-mediated deal to stabilise (but not necessarily democratise) the country is being negotiated behind closed doors.
Macedonians protesting against the current government. Flickr/FOSIM. Some rights reserved.From Putin’s Russia, to Erdogan’s Turkey, Orban’s Hungary, Vučić’s Serbia and Gruevski’s Macedonia, new authoritarian regimes have been faking democracy by organising multi-party elections, mimicking democratic institutions and adopting democratic language.
The negotiations between the Troika and Greece are a sham. Greek submission to the neoliberal EU project or forced exit was the Troika game plan from the moment Syriza formed a government.
Flickr/taesos greq. Some rights reserved.
The European Parliament (EP) descended into disarray earlier this week as MEPs failed to speak with one voice about the way negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are being handled by the European Commission. A key discussion and vote on the controversial trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) had been scheduled for midday Wednesday 10 June but Parliament President Martin Schultz announced late the night before that this would be postponed.
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