A very dark day for Turkey: A newspaper ambushed by police… Charlie Hebdo’s cover banned… Media Ban on Intelligence-Affiliated Trucks Coverage….

Turkish court blocks access to websites publishing Charlie Hebdo’s cover featuring Prophet

A local Turkish court has ordered to block access to pages on websites publishing the Jan. 14 cover of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, featuring the Prophet Muhammad

 In the mean time:
Islamic Depictions of Mohammed in History in Full

In solidarity with freedom of expression, T24 publishes the current issue of Charlie Hebdo

Diyarbakır 2nd Peace Court banned the publishing of Charlie Hebdo’s latest cover on websites.
Turkey Radio and Television Higher Board announced that Adana 5th Peace Judge Authorities imposed a ban on the publication of all written, visual and internet content related to the stopping and searching of National Intelligence Agency vehicles.
Turkish authorities have warned that all websites publishing alleged records related to Syrian-bound trucks belonging to the Turkish intelligence agency that were stopped by a prosecutor last year will be banned. Twitter has quickly removed the content.
Charlie divided tweeps in two: #JeSuisCumhuriyet vs. #ÜlkemdeCharlieHebdo Dağıtılamaz

Prophet Mohammad holds ‘Je suis Charlie’ sign in new Charlie Hebdo front page

The cover of the first edition of Charlie Hebdo since its staff were murderously attacked last week shows a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad crying and holding up a ‘Je suis Charlie” sign under the words: ‘All is forgiven’

Al-Qaeda in Yemen has claimed responsibility for the attack on Charlie Hebdo in a video posted online, saying it was “vengeance” for the French weekly’s cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
US reacts to Erdoğan’s remarks criticizing Netanyahu’s attendance of anti-terror solidarity march in Paris

Free-speech hypocrisy by some Paris marchers
The Courier-Journal
Turkey, which was named the world’s biggest jailer of journalists in 2012 and 2013, ended 2014 by detaining a number of journalists (including Ekrem Dumanli, editor in chief of Zaman, a leading newspaper with links to the moderate Islamic Gulen Charlie Hebdo: total freedom of expression has little chance of survival in an 

Former Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) head Ali Bardakoğlu has accused some members of the Muslim community of contributing to the rise of Islamophobia around the world
Erdogan’s 12 Warriors And The Surreal World of Abbas

Turkey’s new presidential palace, which was slammed by the Turkish opposition as the symbol of the “one-man rule of Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” witnessed an interesting “dress show” during a welcoming ceremony for a visiting head of state for the first time on Jan. 12.

#Erdoğan meets #Abbas with military dress show – photos by @rizaozelhttp://t.co/b3Y6nhpljd pic.twitter.com/BNekRpz7Aq
— Hurriyet Daily News (@HDNER) January 12, 2015

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