Despite friendly poses with the PM, Biden pointed out in İstanbul concentration of powers is ‘corrosive’…

US Vice President Joe Biden tells Europe it is time to act on improving its energy security, warning of Russia’s ‘track record’ in using energy supplies as a weapon
The U.S. and Turkey met on Saturday, but offered no indication of agreement over Syria and ISIS.

US to press Turkey over IS role

US Vice-President Joe Biden is to meet Turkey’s president, aiming to push for a bigger Turkish role in the fight against Islamic State.
US Vice President Joe Biden tells Europe it is time to act on improving its energy security, warning of Russia’s ‘track record’ in using energy supplies as a weapon
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu highlights the importance of the use of Cyrpus’s natural resources for peace, adding that Turkey will be the primary user of gas coming out of the divided island

Vice-president avoids mentioning Turkey specifically, but compares concentration of powers under a head of state to US’s three-branch system


Erdoğan and Putin: unalike likeness

The leaders of Turkey and Russia are often compared. But their differences are more instructive than their similarities.

Strongmen are in high demand across Europe’s fringes these days. Hungary’s prime minister Victor Orbán hit a raw nerve when, addressing a crowd of admirers in neighbouring Romania in July 2014, he declared that the era of liberal democracy was over. Orbán, the bête noire of many a Europhile, vowed to lead the Hungarian nation with a firm grip and to protect its vital interests against foreign encroachments. Amongst the examples he cited as inspiring this resolve were Russia and Turkey. – Erik – Nov 19, 3:33 PM – I recently ran across this old New York Times editorial, A Turkish Success Story, from January 28, 2004. It’s rather striking as it heaps praise over Erdogan even as he’s only been in power for less than a year: Under the leadership of Prime

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