Twitter has announced a new academic partnership with MIT that includes a five-year $10 million commitment to a new Laboratory for Social Machines.
You have created a survey using Google Forms but people have quickly figured out a way to game your poll and tilt the results in their favor. They are submitting multiple entries, and because Google Forms will not record the I.P. address or the email of the form submitter, it is nearly impossible for you to separate the duplicate submissions from the genuine entries.
How do you restrict Google Forms to only allow a single entry from a user?

Shellshock is one of the oldest known bugs in history. But its story is not that usual. Early this year, security researchers discovered another bug, called Heartbleed,
Without copyright, people in the creative industries would have no incentive to keep on creating. In recent years this kind of statement has been regularly pumped out by entertainment companies in their defense of tougher intellectual property legislation.
Countering, advocates such as Swedish Pirate Party founder Rick Falkvinge frequently argue that copyright monopolies stifle creativity and hinder innovation.
US whistleblower Snowden honored with ‘alternative Nobel’
Edward Snowden was among the winners of a Swedish human rights award, sometimes referred to as the ‘alternative Nobel,’ for his disclosures of top secret surveillance programs.
US vows to fight new effort for UN control of Internet
US officials are pledging to fight a fresh effort to give a UN agency authority to regulate the Internet, two years after a huge diplomatic battle over the issue
Nine Epic Failures of Regulating Cryptography
EFF.org Updates by Cindy Cohn
Update 9/26/14: Recently Apple has announced that it is providing basic encryption on mobile devices that they cannot bypass, even in response to a request from law enforcement. Google has promised to take similar steps in the near future. Predictably, law enforcement has responded with howls of alarm.
My colleagues Catie Bailard & Steven Livingston have just published the results of their empirical study on the impact of citizen-based crowdsourced election monitoring. Readers of iRevolution may recall that my doctoral dissertation analyzed the use of crowdsourcing in repressive environments and specifically during contested elections. This explains my keen interest in the results of my colleagues’ news data-driven study, which suggests that crowdsourcing does have a measurable and positive impact on voter turnout.
Alibaba, China’s giant e-commerce firm, is a harbinger.
We are going to see more Chinese firms venturing onto the world stage. The most ambitious are no longer content to operate just in China or act as manufacturing contractors for well-established American, European and Japanese brands. More and more of them will raise money in global capital markets (as Alibaba did in its initial public offering of stock), acquire foreign firms and set up foreign manufacturing and distribution operations.

At the start of the year, CB Insights gathered a collection of over 100 “startup failure post-mortems” which explained why the companies didn’t succeed. Written predominantly by startup founders, they offered a glimpse of the harsh realities of startup life, as well as a few lessons for entrepreneurs to learn from.
The hacking trial of Gottfrid Svartholm and his alleged 21-year-old Danish accomplice continued this week in Copenhagen, Denmark. While Gottfrid is well known as a founder of The Pirate Bay, his co-defendant’s identity is still being kept out of the media.
What Is Shellshock, How Does It Work and Why Does It Matter?
And we thought Heartbleed was bad. Welcome to Shellshock, the latest security threat to hit the Internet. And it’s a doozy.
Social Media: The weapon of choice in the Gaza-Israel Conflict
Palestinians using platforms like Facebook and Twitter counter the mainstream narrative of the Gaza Crisis, reaching an astonishing number of people around the world

– See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/social-media-weapon-choice-gaza-israel-conflict-1807202428#sthash.eZQnVN2U.ZOKRkcja.dpuf
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