After his election as European Commission President on Tuesday (15 July), Jean-Claude Juncker can now start discussions with member states on how to allocate portfolios within his team. Below is an overview of all Commissioners already designated by their member state as well as presumed candidates.
During the European election campaign, I’ve seen a Jean-Claude Juncker who seemed tired, who did not seem up to speed during the debates with his contenders and who seemed to be disconnected from the party that supported him – the European People’s Party. But the speech he delivered today let appear a different Jean-Claude Juncker.
The speech of the now-President-elect Juncker (elected today by 422 votes in favour in a European Parliament of 751 deputies) that he gave in front of the European Parliament’s plenary is linked via the picture below if you want to (re)watch it yourself.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday elected the conservative Jean-Claude Juncker to lead the EU Commission. The new president called for a 300 billion euro investment programme to stimulate growth and create jobs in 2015. By targeting joblessness in Europe Juncker is sending a strong signal at the start of his mandate, some commentators write approvingly. Others don’t believe he can stand up to Europe’s heads of government
Parliament elects ‘politically ecumenical’ Juncker as Commission President
The ‘Spitzenkandidat’ of the centre-right EPP group Jean-Claude Juncker has been elected today (15 July) to lead the European Commission from 1 November, with a massive vote from MEPs, with the Socialists and the Liberals praising the many openings he made in his election speech towards their own political priorities.
Spain and the IMF: Round the Bend or Out of the Woods?
A Fistful Of Euros » by Edward Hugh
“Spain has turned the corner”. With this stark statement the IMF opened it’s annual Article IV consultation report for 2014. Naturally the statement rankled, with this author among others, because at first sight it seems to be saying something which on closer reading of the report you find it isn’t. At best it’s misleading, possibly from a PR point of view intentionally so, but then Article IV reports are supposed to be more sober, measured assessments. One Spanish journalist summed up the surprise many felt in the following tweet
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