Plainclothed Turkish cops detained CNN cameraman Joe Duran briefly during crackdown on Istanbul's Istiklal, twisted,hurt his arm & shoulder
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) May 17, 2014

According to IMC TV’s reporters’ data from the municipalities, 321 already buried. BUT Turkish government’s official death toll is 301 and rescue search is officially completed today…
EXPLAINED: The Soma mine disaster in five questions
Journal of Turkish Weekly
Mehmet Utkan, the Soma mine’s underground safety engineer who was off-duty when the accident happened, told Bilgi University’s news website that old, non-fireproofed material was used in the electrical system of the mine. He criticized …
#Soma media finds ‘cracks in the divide’
Turkish union calls strike after mine blast
Turkey holds protest strike after blast kills 282 miners
Disasters can shake governments and sometimes bring them down, if the issues they raise of preparedness, regulation and empathy are not squarely faced and answered in a way people find satisfactory, even in the extremity of their grief. New Orleans and Fukushima were both examples of how not to do it, and it now looks as if the tragedy of Soma in Turkeywill fall into the same category
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