Ukraine sends troops to eastern cities

The takeover of Ukraine government buildings turned bloody Sunday, as government forces sought to retake a building seized by pro-Russian militants in the eastern city of Sloviansk
Ukraine tries to clear pro-Russian rebels, reports dead on both sides
Hurriyet Daily News
Ukrainian security forces launched an operation in Slaviansk, with Kiev reporting dead on both sides as it combats what it calls an act of aggression by Moscow
Masked Gunmen Seize Security Buildings in Eastern Ukraine
Mashable! by Christopher Miller
The crisis in Ukraine escalated Saturday, as pro-Russian masked gunmen seized a police station and a security services building in the city of Sloviansk, near the Russian border
Germans not keen to upset Russia
BBC News | Europe | World Edition
Why some Germans prefer to look east not west
Risk of ‘gas war’ grows as Ukraine halts payments to Russia
Hurriyet Daily News
Ukraine said it was suspending payments to Russia for deliveries of gas, ratcheting up the tension in a standoff that could leave EU states cut off from the Russian gas
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