Muslim gender segregation stirs UK debate
Incident at University College London talk thrusts Islam’s male-and-female divide into the spotlight.
Britain-France ties: How cordial is the entente?
Old tensions loom over Cameron-Hollande summit
British, French leaders meet for summit on EU, defence
British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande will agree increased cooperation on defence at a mini-summit
Euro elections 2014: You Tell Us (31/14/14) Part Two
Young bloggers from across the EU tell us what’s on their minds, including the events in Ukraine and who Europeans are letting down when they forget their own values. Leading this week, the revolution next door.
I cannot not care about what happens in Ukraine
A southern tide to overflow Europe
The introduction of harmony and transparency in European finances is a priority
Returning to Europe for the first time
I cannot not care about what happens in Ukraine
Euro elections 2014: You Tell Us (31/01/14) Part One
Young bloggers from across the EU tell us what’s on their minds – policing terrorism, extreme inequality, war-mongering for democracy, and which is worse for Europe, fiscal prudence or the euro? Leading theme of the week: events in Ukraine.
Let’s row in the same direction
Working to save the euro brings Europe to its knees
After twenty centuries of wars caused by European nations, shouldn’t they know better?
Public safety is a non-negotiable value, alongside the protection of health and human rights
I’m a ‘war generation kid’ who would like to know how a united Europe should act and behave towards its citizens
by Marko Boko
Ministers clash over EU regulatory burden
Two ministers from the Cons
The conspiratorial mindset in Europe
Scepticism is healthy for democracy, but not when it degenerates into belief in conspiracy theories. Dieudonné and Jobbik are but two recent examples that the conspiratorial mindset is alive and well in Europe.
ervative party publicly disagreed about whether Brussels was forcing unwanted new rules on to British business
On data protection: In search of core European values
As the EU’s response to the Snowden leaks converges with European data protection reforms, new debates on privacy emerge at the European level: and the burning issue remains that of trust. Simon Garnett rounds up the latest developments to coincide with Data Protection Day 2014.
Euromaidan, Ukraine: Who is vitali Klitschko?
World heavy weight boxing ‘champion emeritus’ Vitali Klitschko has taken up politics during his semi-retirement from boxing. But this is no pensioner’s quiet life he’s leading. Klitschko is at the forefront of anti-government protests in Kiev. Yanukovych seems ever-more likely to fall. Klitschko seems ever-more likely to play a significant role in government. But who is Klitschko exactly?

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