Öğrencilerim için Twitter araçları…

İngilizce ve Türkçe çevrimiçi araçlar serilerimi şimdi parça parça yapmaya karar verdim. En son genel listeyi T24 için yapmıştım: Öğrencilerim için çevrimiçi araçlar Aşağıdaki liste yalnızca Twitter araçları üzerine yoğunlaşıyor. Bazı web hizmetleri Twitter dışında da kullanılabilir. Başka bölümlerde yeniden adlarını verebilirim ama şimdilik Twitter üzerinden gidelim. Aşağıdaki liste tabi ki en doğru liste olamaz. … Read more

How to follow all these social media account timelines?

I do my best but I am overwhelmed with the timelines I would love to follow… I am looking for a killer application. Otherwise, for instance for Twitter, we have several tools including Tweetdeck and Houtsuite. But a central command would be lovely to check out what goes on my Twitter Facebook Google Plus Pinterest … Read more

Leaving Bucharest soon…I already left, back in Istanbul

[I will probably update this post- and now updating 2 days later:)]

last updated: 17 November 2009: 20:00

An Atatürk statue in Bucharest streets

I cannot escape from Atatürk. He is everywhere:)

ASLS people did a great job, we have finished a very well organized conference thanks to Mihaela and her friends. And how hospitable they were! Among the people I met, Onnik (Armenia) and Jacop (Poland) has to be mentioned particularly but I was also excited to meet people from Azerbaijan (Emin and Parvana) and Georgia (especially Dodie!). Although Turkey is very close to Azerbaijan through national ties and all, I don’t think I have had made any intelligible conversation with any Azeris before.So this was the first time.

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