“Dokunan Yanar” Digital resistance to Turkish Judiciary. Ahmet Şık’s banned book out in the web…

I was out on Thursday afternoon on some personal issues and while I was offline, I basically missed all the initial excitement: Some people uploaded the banned book entitled as “Dokunan Yanar” [You are burned if you touch] which was previously entitled as “İmamın Ordusu [İmam’s Army]. The book focuses on allegations of Fethullah Gülen … Read more

More than 10 thousand websites banned in Turkey.

Anti-censorship activists make a list of banned sites in Engelli Web.

Sanal Fotoğraf Müzesi: Atabase Database (Elif Sudagezer)

Sanal Fotoğraf Müzesi: Atabase Database http://atabase.tumblr.com/ Atabase.tumblr.com isimli blog yalnızca içinde Atatürk figürü olan fotoğrafları toplayan ilginç bir fotoğraf blogu ve bence fikir son derece orijinal. Tabii, Atatürk fotoğrafları toplayan bu bloga uğrayanların kendilerine soracakları sorunun ?Neden böyle bir blog var ki?? olması da kuvvetle muhtemel. Blogger?ın bu işi görev edinmesinin birden çok sebebi olabilir: … Read more

“Who are famous internet people *not* from North America?

A while ago, an academic, Sue Thomas started an inquiry in the Media Anthropology Network’s mailing list: “Who are famous internet people *not* from North America”. In this category Turkey had an early entry indeed: Internet Mahir. Turkey seems to have a new personality: http://www.besttaxidriver.com/ A cab driver posting his experiences with foreigners on his … Read more

Towards elections: Digital natives in Turkey prepare for independent MEP candidates

Notarious İnci Sözlük community gangs up to present independent MEP candidates for the elections in Turkey.  News in Turkish here.  

16 Mart’ta bir Panel: “İnternet Yasaklarını Tartışıyoruz”

16 MART 2011 YILDIZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ-DAVUTPAŞA KAMPUSÜ İSTANBUL Türkiye’de on bine yakın internet sitesi sansürlü. Blogspot örneğinde olduğu gibi toptan cezalandırma binlerce netdaşı etkiliyor. ALTERNATİF BİLİŞİM DERNEĞİ olarak, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojileri Kulübü ile birlikte ?İnternet Yasakları? başlıklı bir panel gerçekleştiriyoruz. 16 Mart Çarşamba saat 14.00?te YTÜ Davutpaşa kampüsünde olacağız. Panel: ?İnternet Yasakları? Konuşmacılar: … Read more

Now comes Reporters without Borders report on Turkey. Growing concerns on human rights issues…

Countries under surveillance Turkey Domain name : .tr Population : 77,804,122 Internet users : 35,000,000 Average monthly salary : 560 U.S. dollars Number of imprisoned netizens : 0 The YouTube saga Much was written throughout Turkey in 2010 about the fate of the Google-owned video-sharing website YouTube. Blocked in Turkey since May 2008 because of … Read more

1-2 Nisan’da Özgür Yazılım ve LINUX günleri

Özgür Yazılım ve Linux Günleri? Linux Kullanıcıları Derneği ve İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi tarafından yılda bir kez düzenlenir. Türkiye?de Linux ve Özgür Yazılım ile ilgili herkesin buluşma yeridir. Toplumun her kesimine uygun düzeyde, tanıtıcı ve teknik seminerler yapılır. Kamu kuruluşları ve özel sektörden ilgili şirketler stand açar, ürün ve hizmetlerini tanıtır. Ziyaretçiler ücretsiz Linux CD?leri elde … Read more

A list of blogspot based blogs form Turkey #blogumadokunma Introducing Turkish Cybersphere (17)

Before the list, here is a Scribd like Turkish document sharing site: Belgeler And a website on names. Analyzing names in Turkish: İsmi didikle. Please let me know of websites from Turkey to mention here. You are always welcome…   A short list of Blogspot based blogs from Turkey: here is the original source for … Read more

A video and A list of supporters of EFD’s One Millionth Visit Party

A nice video by Sami Okumuş

#blogumadokunma Turkey is about to become an enemy-of-Internet country

Outrageous ban on Blogspot.com continued today in Turkey. Due to a few blogs in copyright infringement, a Turkish court banned the whole Blogspot. Along with WordPress, Blogspot is one of the most used blogging platform among Turkish bloggers so this ban is basically breaking down Turkish blogosphere. There are many ways to circumvent the ban … Read more

#blogumadokunma -Turkish users start a Twitter campaign against Blogspot ban

Due to Lig TV’s copyright infringement case against particular blogs, a mighty local court in Diyarbakır, Turkey issues an access ban to Blogspot. Another shameful, outrageous attack against our Internet freedom… blogumadokunma means “don’t touch my blog!” As of 16:00 local time, the campaign becomes the top Twitter trend in Turkey Trends…

A digital archive for late Ottoman-early Turkish cinema

Prof. Nezih Erdoğan has been working on this project for a while. It has finally been launched here.It is not user friendly but it contains a treasure. and it is just the beginning… there will be more documents uploaded day by day… and a cinema roundup: A controversial new film — “Valley of the Wolves … Read more

Busy week with course registrations and Social Media Week

(from L to R) Haluk Şahin, Erkan Saka and Serhat Ayan This week is the course registration week and we are supposed to be in the office all day all week. Well, I still miss the early hours, but students can reach me in myriad ways and sometimes a phone call from a student wakes … Read more

2 million reported to be in Tahrir Square. Twitter reactions from Turkish cybersphere. Photos from the protest in Istanbul. Revolution roundup continues.

Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline IHH President Bülent Yıldırım speaks… by @morcocuk Ayaklanacak Arap ülkelerine önceden Arjantin'li devrimciler getirilsin ki, Ece Temelkuran desteğini esirgemesin. Tango bilme şartı da olsun! — ahmet kılcı (@ahmetkilci) January 31, 2011 http://twitter.com/sezerpal/status/32398880230350849 http://twitter.com/MJayRosenberg/status/31761936240615425 http://twitter.com/derinsular/statuses/31837224915968000 Tahrirdekı gosterıcılere ateş acılırsa bebektekı mısır konsolosluğunu (hıdiv sarayı) işgal edelim. Bina savunmasız. Cıddıyım. @senolkarakas — … Read more