Serhatcan Yurdam (@syurdam): THY işçileri 15 Mayıs’ta greve çıkacak

 THY işçileri 15 Mayıs’ta greve çıkacak Hava-İş Sendikası işçileri Taksim‘de yaptıkları eylemle 15 Mayıs’ta greve çıkacaklarını duyurdu. Hava İş Genel Başkanı Atilla Ayçin “THY personeli uçmama kararı aldı, uçmayacaklar” dedi. Hava-İş sendikası işçileri, 15 Mayıs’ta başlayacak olan grev için kamuoyuna destek ve dayanışma çağrısı yaptı. Hava-İş Sendikası Başkanı Atilla Ayçin, işten çıkarılan Türk Hava Yolları … Read more

Social fabric roundup: Headscarf ban in sporting events lifted…Publishing in Turkey… New uniforms..alcohol ban at THY…

Turkish Airlines defends alcohol policy from Hurriyet Daily News Turkish Airlines (THY) released a statement Feb. 13 in response to the ongoing debate over company.. Turkey | Homicide Rate Goes Down from Mavi Boncuk by M.A.M List of countries by homicide rate by decade per year per 100,000 inhabitants. The reliability of underlying national homicide … Read more

“Neo-Ottomanism” in alleged new Turkish Airlines uniforms…

New Turkish Airlines uniforms raise eyebrows from Hurriyet Daily News The new uniforms of Turkish Airlines (THY) hosts and hostesses have raised eyebrows in Turkey after the photos.

New Turkish Airlines Ad: “Kobe vs Messi: Legends on Board”

Kobe vs Messi: Legends on Board – Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines – ”The best airline in Europe” continues to fly with the best! Our new TV commercial which stars Kobe Bryant and Leo Messi is now live! Enjoy! Messi becomes ?brand ambassador? for Turkish Airlines Living football legend Lionel Messi has been named a … Read more

Ayşe Özer: Süttozu

Süttozu   Geçen sene bu aylarda Etiyopyalı genç bir kadının ilginç küpeli bir fotoğrafı ortaya çıkmıştı. Ama isimli kadın, Etiyopya?nın Dimeka yerleşkesini gezen bir şoförde gördüğü Türk Hava Yolları bagaj etiketini çok beğendiğini, bunları alarak kulaklarına küpe yaptığını, renkleri ve şekli nedeniyle beğenerek taktığını söylemişti. Bölgeye giden prodüksiyon ekipleri onunla buluşarak mini bir belgesele imza … Read more

A video: Turkish Airlines Flight Safety Film Turkish Airlines has turned to the stars of Manchester United to make safety and inflight comfort information engaging and fun for their passengers. The video features Wayne Rooney, Darren Fletcher, Chris Smalling, Nani and Rafael and Fabio da Silva recreate scenes a little different from a standard safety video. via

Turkish Airlines now sponsors FC Shakhtar Donetsk of Ukraine

THY has no rivals in sponsorship and I only wish there would be fewer delays in domestic flights of THY:)

A video: KOBE BRYANT in Turkish Airlines ad

A column linking Turkish Airlines’ new routes to new Turkish foreign policy…

Axis of Turkey and new routes of Turkish Airlines! from U.S.A.K. Blog by USAK ABDULHAMİT BİLİCİ 13 November 2010 It is no secret that Washington is the capital where debate on Turkey?s axis is hottest, particularly after Turkey?s ?no? vote at the UN Security Council and the Mavi Marmara incident. This confusion, amplified especially by … Read more

A video: Manchester United in Turkish Airlines ad Turkish Airlines to air new commercial in 80 countries KLAUS JURGENS – From budget to business ? ?Turquality? a la Turkish Airlines If brand recognition applies to a country, too, then Turkey has come a long way. The most recent Turkish Airlines (THY) commercial featuring a cast of Manchester United players plus a surprise … Read more

Turkish Airlines and Turkish Foreign Policy. A piece on similarities.

Plus, Mr. Cameron feels the heat after his pro-Turkey statements, and a new move from diasporic Armenians in US…

Turkey Flying High

from Istanbul Calling by Yigal Schleifer

The Wall Street Journal’s Turkey correspondent, Marc Champion, has another great article out, this time taking a look at the spectacular recent growth of Turkish Airlines (THY) and how that is both mirroring and working hand-in-hand with Turkey’s rising political and economic ambitions.

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Barça at Turkish Airlines!

Turkish Airlines (THY) has become one of the official sponspors of FC Barcelona! Today, Turkish football blogs displayed photos of Barça players in a THY plane flying to Abu Dhabi. It looks like Spanish Airline companies did not like the idea and lobbied against THY flight. This is at least what untrustable Turkish media says

Messi in the plane.