Cyberculture agenda: “XKEYSCORE: NSA’s Google for the World’s Private Communications

  XKEYSCORE: NSA’s Google for the World’s Private Communications  The Intercept by Morgan Marquis-Boire Illustrations by Blue Delliquanti and David Axe for The Intercept One of the National Security Agency’s most powerful tools of mass surveillance makes tracking someone’s Internet usage as easy as entering an email address, and provides no built-in technology to prevent abuse. Today, The Intercept is … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: The Next Front in the Battle for Net Neutrality in Europe… “Reddit Turns 10…

Europe: The Next Front in the Battle for Net Neutrality Updates Americans won big on net neutrality in February, when the FCC voted to adoptnew rules that would allow it to rein in the abusive and discriminatory practices of big telecommunications operators, such as blocking or throttling of Internet data, and charging content providers for … Read more