#Cyberculture agenda: “Dormant Botnet of 350,000 Twitter Accounts…

  Cybersecurity Experts Uncover Dormant Botnet of 350,000 Twitter Accounts  MIT Technology Review   A massive botnet secretly infiltrated the Twitterverse in 2013 but has lain mysteriously dormant since then, say researchers. Twitter and TV Superfans (Study) All Facebook by David Cohen   How do “superfans” of television show behave on Twitter, and what should marketers do … Read more

#Cyberculture agenda: Obama pardons Chelsea Manning and Stuxnet leak source James Cartwright while Snowden never filed paperwork requesting a pardon…

Obama just freed whistleblower Chelsea Manning The Next Web by Bryan Clark   President Obama just effectively freed Chelsea Manning from the 32 remaining years in her jail sentence, according to the New York Times. While it’s not a presidential pardon, the commutation of Manning’s sentence will see her go free in just five months. Chelsea Manning to … Read more

Calls to pardon Snowden challenged by the House Intel Panel…. Cyberculture agenda…

House Intel Panel Blasts Snowden In New Report, One Day Before Movie Release The Intercept by Jenna McLaughlin The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence urged President Barack Obama on Thursday not to pardon Edward Snowden, concluding in anunclassified summary of a two-year investigation that the former NSA contractor was “not a whistleblower” — echoing what White … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Foxconn moved from China to western Turkey…Q&A with James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher

  Foxconn whose clients include Apple Dell and HP have moved from China to western Turkey, the gateway of Europe.   In 2012 Organized Rage pointed out in a series of articles if Foxconn Technology Group which manufactures Apple, Dell, HP and other high tech companies products, are given half a chance it will bring … Read more

Alan Turing to be given a posthumous pardon by the British government…

Alan Turing, Brilliant Mathematician and Code Breaker, Will Be Finally Pardoned by British Government ?Alan Turing, the Enigma codebreaker who took his own life after being convicted of gross indecency under anti-homosexuality legislation, is to be given a posthumous pardon,? writes The Guardian today.