Wikileaks resources…and more… EFF to Council of Europe: Ensure privacy, transparency, and freedom of expression in search engines….

Wikileaks Resources Wikileaks Resources 1. Wikileaks Events Calendar 2. Wikileaks Petitions 3. Support Wikileaks 4. Main Wikileaks Resources 5. Cablegate Resources 6. War Leaks 7. Frequent Falsehoods 8. Twitter Archive 9. Press Archive 10. Video Archive . . . Wikileaks Events Calendar (may take a minute to load) Please note, some events may be duplicated. … Read more

A report: The Use of Western Technologies by Middle East Censors, 2010-2011

  The Use of Western Technologies by Middle East Censors, 2010-2011 from Berkman Center Newsfeed by syoung The Berkman Center is pleased to share a new report from the OpenNet Initiative (ONI): West Censoring East: The Use of Western Technologies by Middle East Censors, 2010-2011 The report analyzes the use of American and Canadian-made tools … Read more

Nielsen report: “How the World Is Spending Its Time Online

How the World Is Spending Its Time Online [STATS] from Mashable! by Brenna Ehrlich John Robb interview: Open Source Warfare & Resilience from Boing Boing by Chris Arkenberg John Robb is a globally-recognized author, technologist, and entrepreneur specializing in the complex systems of insurgency and asymmetrical warfare. His book, Brave New War, is an Amazon … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Facebook hammered for privacy issues, Blog Blame Game, Adobe responds to Apple and more…

Blog Blame Game
Source: Project for Excellence in Journalism

In many weeks, there are stark differences between the social and mainstream media news agendas. But last week, the same two stories that dominated the traditional press ? the attempted bombing in New York?s Times Square and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico ? also drew the most attention in the blogosphere.

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YouTube vs. Viacom

YouTube: Viacom secretly posted its videos even as they sued us for not taking down Viacom videos

from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow

In a scorching post on the company’s blog, YouTube Chief Counsel Zahavah Levine accuses Viacom of going to great lengths to secretly upload videos to YouTube in order to take advantage of its promotional value even as they were suing YouTube, arguing that YouTube should be able to tell the difference between Viacom videos that were uploaded by actual infringers as opposed to Viacom employees and agents being paid to pretend to be infringers.

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