Unexpected move from Constitutional Court, probably hurts Erdoğan’s ambitions: “Turkish court blocks school closures

Turkish court blocks school closures  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Turkey’s constitutional court overturns a law closing down a network of schools run by a US-based opponent of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. UN concerned over LGBT rights in Turkey, calls gov’t to take action The U.N. has expressed deep concern over attacks and discriminatory acts … Read more

After all delaying tactics, coalition talks start today in Turkey…

No preconditions for coalition: Turkish PM Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said the Justice and Development Party (AKP) is heading into the coalition government formation process with no preconditions nor prejudices. HDP open to coalition with unwilling AKP: co-chair Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ has said her party has not closed the door on … Read more

Elections for parliament speaker continues while Turkey’s presidential office plays logical games to justify ISIS

ISIL exists because al-Assad exists: Erdoğan aide A senior spokesperson for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s office has indicated the presence of terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was linked to the prevalence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria AKP candidate leads in elections for parliament speaker in … Read more

#TurkeyElections aftermath: As Reuters says “Turkey’s Erdogan, master tactician, seen angling for new election…

Turkey’s Erdogan, master tactician, seen angling for new election Reuters.com – Orhan Coskun – Jun 12, 8:12 AM – ANKARA President Tayyip Erdogan’s statesmanlike appeals for Turkey’s rival parties to leave egos aside and form a new government may suggest the combative leader has turned over a new leaf, but even those close to him … Read more

#TurkeyElections aftermath: So far HDP is the only one strongly emphasizing coalition without AKP…

Turkey’s pro-Kurdish opposition says open to coalition without AKP Turkey’s HDP said it was open to all options for a coalition government other than with the ruling AK Party and that President Erdoğan should remain within his constitutional limits. Turkey’s Kurdish problem-focused opposition says open to coalition without AKP HDP said it was open to all options … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Syriza-AKP, farklı kimyalar

Syriza-AKP, farklı kimyalar   Komşunun Çipras-Varufakis-Statatis yönetimindeki ekonomik “savaş” kabinesinin mesaisi tamamen Avrupa başkentleri ve kurumları ile müzakereye vakfedilmiş halde. Atina’da Syriza çevrelerinden edindiğim bilgiye göre çarşamba AB Konseyi ve gelecek pazartesi ECOFİN toplantısında bir ortak zemin bulunabilir. AB’nin de gözden çıkarmış olduğu Troyka’nın sonunun geldiği, Varufakis’in hamlesiyle iyice belli oldu. Orada ve burada neo-liberal … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Syriza-led Greek parliament ‘will never ratify TTIP’

 Syriza-led Greek parliament ‘will never ratify TTIP’  EurActiv.com The newly-elected government in Athens has always been suspicious of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and will use its Parliament majority to sink the EU-US trade pact, claims a former Syriza MEP now turned minister. EurActiv Greece reports. Greece holds ‘crucial’ meetings to secure new debt agreement … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Europe’s Jihadi Generation… “The middle-class voters who can’t resist Marx…

MAIN FOCUS: Syriza forms coalition with right-wing party | 27/01/2015 euro|topics Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as new Greek prime minister on Monday, just 21 hours after the voting booths closed, to lead a coalition with the Eurosceptic and right-wing populist Independent Greeks party. The impoverished middle classes have brought this unusual alliance to … Read more