EFD Rights Watch: Nolle Prosequi in Alabora Tweet Case…”Amnesty International calls for the suspension of tear gas shipments to Turkey…

Nolle Prosequi in Alabora Tweet Case Prosecutors discontinued charges in Memet Ali Alabora case, saying that ?the aforementioned tweet did not commit the crime of encouraging a crime?. ?The point is not Gezi Park, friend. Didn?t you get it yet? Come join us,? Alabora tweeted on May 30. Amnesty International calls for the suspension of … Read more

Tuzluçayır, Ankara under fire. Clashes after Alevite youth protests a controversial Cemevi #DirenTuzluçayır ?

In case the embedded code does not work, here is the link: http://storify.com/sakaerka/tuzlucay-r-ankara-under-fire-clashes-after-alevite A link for live streaming right now: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ankaraeylemvakti   [View the story “Tuzluçayır, Ankara under fire. Clashes after Alevite youth protests a controversial Cemevi ” on Storify]

EFD Rights Watch: Turkish PM on the verge of hate speech towards Alevis… French student detained in Turkey finally released…

Turkish PM calls Alevi cemevi a ‘freak’ from Hurriyet Daily News An Alevi cemevi standing next to a cemetery in Istanbul is a “freak,” according to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.   ?The State is Responsible for Unlicensed Alevi Houses of Worship? from Bianet :: English Alevi Elder Muharrem Ercan questioned how their community … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Two Students Under Custody Since 2009…with no evidence…

Two Students Under Custody Since 2009, Despite Lack of Evidence Two university students, who were arrested during a demonstration will remain in prison as the the prosecution fail to show any evidence for allegations against them. Another student, who had been a symbol of freedom of expression violations against the youth, is condemned to 20 … Read more